Proper sequence of bud candy and ferts


Active Member
Hey all,
I've begun a new fert schedule using general hydroponic ferts and bud candy.
Should the bud candy be added to the soil first, before the ferts, or after? Or can they all mix together and go in the soil at once?
Also, all told I'm adding an estimated 1000 PPM into the soil, and runoff is estimated at 1450. Do I need to flush this a bit to get the runoff closer to what goes in?
I understand PPM needs to be low so you don't burn the plants and/or create a harsh taste with the final product.

I'll second the waste of money thing. It's really just mollases and water pretty much. It just isn't needed in a feed program. I bought all the AN products when I started out too so don't feel bad. They use slick marketing to prey on new growers. Try feeding just the base nutrients at about half of their recommended strength and watch the ph of your feed and you should be fine. Bud Candy, Rhino Skin and the rest of the additives just aren't needed and can be toxic to the plants if used at the recommended rates. Best of luck with your grow.
If not hydro , I would suggest adding some simple dry amendments bases aka top dress the medium . Look into microlife ultimate , not only will it have everything you need but a good share of microbes/fungi and everything to feed them. being a product that last in ur medium for 2-4 months and won’t hurt or burn ur plants is great , makes ya reissue your medium and even if you apply too much it’s not gonnea hurt ya.

i use it for my veggies to fruit tree to indoor coco cannabis and outdoor soil. many products work but if you cna make ur nutes super simple and carefree it’s a gfeat plus and I wish I would of been suggested that when I first started vs like many who buy many hydro store liquid expensive stuff.

I can feed my whole 1000sqft-2k with one bag for whole season! and one bag is under 100 bucks, I also add their humic compost and that’s cheap also. they sell it on Amazon, there’s reason why u won’t see it at a hydrostore, way too good of a value and the hydrostore wouldn’t sell much to ya .

for hydrostore brand and I used it for over 10 years is roots organic uprising/terp tea. It’s just the brand above is way cheaper , easier to use and more concentrated.

It might also help folks to know that I use water out of my 75 gallon fish tank. I feed my fish a mix of store bought foods and organic veggies, blood worms as well.
The water from this fish tank is already 250+ in PPM, and its full of microbes and low levels of NPK too. Its a very watered down version of fert.
That PLUS the other items already mentioned = 1450 PPM runoff.
You should try to post up a couple pics of the whole plant. That's a pretty high feed level and could possibly cause issues like tip burn and nutrient lockout.
I'm already experiencing deficiencies. Most of my plants show yellowing on the older leaves, hence why I'm starting a different fert schedule.
I agree that its high. I just took another reading on run off water and its closer to 1800 ppm
Should I flush?
I'd try feeding them at half the amount you have been using and see how they respond. What size pot are they in? Also what stage of growth? Like week 3 of flower or 6 weeks in veg. I don't like pouring a ton of water through the pot to flush unless absolutely necessary. If it's Coco flushing is fine but Ocean Forrest will get compacted with a bunch of water getting run through it at once and that's something I try to avoid.
I'm already experiencing deficiencies. Most of my plants show yellowing on the older leaves, hence why I'm starting a different fert schedule.
I agree that its high. I just took another reading on run off water and its closer to 1800 ppm
Should I flush?

Can we see some photo's? That high ppm sounds really high for soil and I'm curious if its nutrient lockout vs needing more things added.
Here are some recent pics


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Stop using the fish tank water it's full of ammonia that hasn't been broken down. Everyone that uses reg tap water does just fine.
I've already gone into why you shouldn't use aquarium water to water plants you will be consuming so I'm not even going there.
Or don't and continue to have issues. Up to you. Good luck.
The local grow shop sells "fish shit". Its the same thing as my aquarium water.
Also, I test it on occasion and its very low in ammonia. That is achieved via routine water changing and treatments that benefit both fish and plant.
The local grow shop sells "fish shit". Its the same thing as my aquarium water.
Also, I test it on occasion and its very low in ammonia. That is achieved via routine water changing and treatments that benefit both fish and plant.
No, it is not the same thing.
Hey man I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just telling you what your problem is. If you don't want to believe it then you don't have to. It's your choice. Just don't wonder why your plants are curling and turning yellow.....
No, it is not the same thing.
Hey man I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just telling you what your problem is. If you don't want to believe it then you don't have to. It's your choice. Just don't wonder why your plants are curling and turning yellow.....
What makes you so sure?
Science i read suggests that ammonia coverts into nitrates... and then nigrogen.
Ive also been using the same aquarium water with these plants their entire life. Why would it be problematic now if not from the beginning?