proper PPM range


Active Member
Hi all!

I am building a system that starts out aeroponic (with mist heads above the resevoir) and bubbleponic when the plants are young, and turns into a DWC when the plants roots grow into the resevoir below. I am just wondering what is the proper PPM range from the low rate during vegetative to the high rate during end of flowering. A friend of myn just grew aeroponically, starting with a PPM of 300 to a high of 2300 just before harvest. Which I think may have been waaaaay over the top. We are both using Tap water.


Well-Known Member
It depends a little on what brand of nutrients you are using.GH Flora Nova range on the bottle is 300ppm up to a max strength Grow food 1350, Bloom food 1750.Yes 2300 seems quite high depending on the brand of food.


Well-Known Member
I did not go over 700 PPM during veg and did not go over 1000 during Flower my plants just did not like / respond well to any higher PPMs


Active Member
I dont let my ppm go over 1000 ppm. I think its a waste of nutes,I start out at 100 ppm and work up to 900 to 1000,I dont have to worry about nute burn anymore and my plants do just fine.


Active Member
Well that proves me right :) It's what I told my friend too...At one point he got up to 2300 and that was madness. I'm using Advanced Nutrients, btw.
I learned the hard way that the suggested ppm on the back of some Nutes is not to be followed. I use Pura Vida Nutes and it calls for 1200 PPM, ridiculous because I got up to 220 and scorched them. I try to stay around 100 or 120 with those nutes and a catalyst


Well-Known Member
With General Hydroponics line of nutes I try not to go over 500 PPM in Veg and in flower I am noticing my plants love the 900 PPM mark .


Well-Known Member
I would think it depends on strain too.. indicas taking higher ppm. My indica doms are at 1500 ppm in 4th week of veg with no problems at all. plan to push past this mark once they flower. I've always heard that it's desirable to try to push the highest ppms and that's what I'm doing with GH 3 part and vending machine water. can anybody say definitively that higher ppms are of no benefit? in my set up I know that at least they aren't harmful. i have had less tolerant strains too.


Well-Known Member
I would think it depends on strain too.. indicas taking higher ppm. My indica doms are at 1500 ppm in 4th week of veg with no problems at all. plan to push past this mark once they flower. I've always heard that it's desirable to try to push the highest ppms and that's what I'm doing with GH 3 part and vending machine water. can anybody say definitively that higher ppms are of no benefit? in my set up I know that at least they aren't harmful. i have had less tolerant strains too.
Its all on the strain I am growing White Russian and my Indica Dominant doesnt like anything over 1000 PPM . I too use the GH 3 part with a few other GH products and Cal/Mag


Well-Known Member
AK48 didn't like anything over 950 PPM, 900 is where I set it, 650 Max during veg I think 600 / 900 is magic number for me given my tap and nutrient line selection.


Well-Known Member
There is no set number, your plants will let you know what they want. If over time the PPM's go up
while your reservoir level is going down, that signifies your plants cannot drink the amount you're
giving them and to back off. If your PPM's are going down and your res levels going down then your
plants are drinking more than you're offering them. If you find a constant level that's where your plants
are drinking at and where you want to try to keep it, but this level will change throughout your growth as
well so you need to keep close records if you want to maintain the optimum levels.

If you look up stink buds recommendation I'm pretty sure he casually goes well over 1700ppms on a lot
of the grows he shows. I think a lot of his followers are doing the same as well and their results look
really good. But what's the point in running things that high when your results could be just as good
with a lower regiment? It's only going to cost you more, I typically try to stay much lower myself as
they still seem to thrive.

I have heard that some growing methods help you utilize the nutes better than others. I'm not sure
which is which but I want to say things like HP Aero you can run much lower nutes because of the
fine breakdown of nutes with the sprayer heads. I've also heard that higher DO levels help your plants
utilize the nutrients you feed them better as well so you can tune your system to help the effectiveness
of your nute levels as well.


Well-Known Member
I measure my ppm daily trying to keep a balance of water and nute intake. I am growing nightshade (heavy indica) which likes as much as 1700 ppm dutch master gold line in it's final stages, depending on the size of the plants. When I was first learning I ran these nutes/strain as high as 2000 ppm, and although the plants didn't benefit, they also didn't burn.

I also grow GHS Cheese which likes 1500-1600 ppm in it's final stages.


Active Member
very true, ww thriving at mo 3 week into flower ppm 1400 with bloom a+b, growtec monster bloom, voodoo juice & b52, never had issues upto 1800


Active Member
correct, and if u use their recommended feed quantities on their website u nuke your plants! half a/n figures and your ok. i keep my ppm 1200 veg and upto 1700 grow white widow