Propaganda or real?


Active Member
So I've been taking a break from smoking (day 76, but whos counting :)) anyways I was on a forum and someone mentioned that weed is linked to heart attacks, think they said something like "let 'em smoke and they'll stroke out". I thought that sounded pretty far fetched so I did a search, landed on a gov site, (I know I know if its the gov its all lies) but it sort of says there is a link between smoking reefer and heart issues. This was published in June of 2020. I almost wonder if its propaganda to hide the covid19 vaxx side effects. Heres a little bit from the Abstract: "Studies have shown that marijuana plays a role in thrombosis, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. Case reports have linked marijuana use to myocardial infarction, cardiac arrythmias, cardiomyopathies, stroke, and arteritis."
So what do y'all think?
It's not propaganda if you look at the dates on the articles in the bibliography, that meta analysis is about the opening gold rush of research that cannabis represents. You are going to see all the specialties beginning to carve out their areas of research and how this fits into current pharmacology for their specialty. I hope that helps
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That's a great question, and congrats on 76 days smoke-free!

You're right to be skeptical of some information online, but it's also good to be aware of potential health risks. Here's what I found:

There is some research suggesting a link between cannabis use and heart problems.

This research isn't conclusive. More studies are needed to fully understand the cause and effect.

The government website you found likely isn't propaganda. Government health agencies often publish research on the risks and benefits of substances like cannabis. (which might be propaganda in fact...)
I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, with a tin foil hat ,but I do think jab is the cause of the increase in heart attacks. And they just blame everything else on it . My nabor and my uncle have heart monitors now after there first jab just days later. But if you asked them they don't think it has anything to do with the jab . But it's just my crazy thoughts about it , im sure the government would never lie to us . There always honest and always have been % , definitely nothing to look into.
I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, with a tin foil hat ,but I do think jab is the cause of the increase in heart attacks. And they just blame everything else on it . My nabor and my uncle have heart monitors now after there first jab just days later. But if you asked them they don't think it has anything to do with the jab . But it's just my crazy thoughts about it , im sure the government would never lie to us . There always honest and always have been % , definitely nothing to look into.
You are more likely to get a heart attack from xylitol
It’s a sweetener in lots of things
As soon as I hear “the jab”
I think conspiracy theorists
There is a lot of reaserch that says it fucks up the gray brain.not soo bad for us old people but kids under 20 with developing brain could be affected.
If you think about it you are a kid and you are brain dead high you will not be soo productive
To each their own and cannabis use def isn’t just smoking it anyways. Idk once I started hitting on cannabis my focus was better in life, my anxiety was balanced , it def worked way better than any pill my parents pushed on me for adhd , that Ritalin was the worst and they pumped that hard in 90’s

everyone is different obviously but for me at least I know only negative thing was it being illegal and many black market related things and Ed en to get the cannabis made bad things in everyone’s life’s. from bad food to rx choices I would still say cannabis exp even for kids if their disability and issues maybe cannabis may be a good thing vs many life changing and high risk drugs .
It's all reefer madness propaganda the gov and corps never has been a fan of plant medicine. It's hard to make $$$$ on Rx pills and surgery , when you can grow your meds
I agree there are quite a few shady studies on both ends of "cannabis good" and "cannabis bad" but broad generalizations aren't particularly productive.

Everyone should be honest with their doctor about their habits and get bloodwork done once a year to stay ontop of their health.

I am genetically predisposed to cardiac issues. I would still smoke/vape flower if I knew it increased my odds of having a heart attack, because it brings me joy. I choose not to focus so much on research because I'm going to use anyway...

If you care about research it's always best to read the actual papers (not op eds) with an open mind and draw your own conclusions. The scientific method isn't that complicated. Bad studies aren't that hard to spot if you know what the red flags are