Prop 215 Card In Nevada??


Well-Known Member
I got my Prop 215 card here in California...I have relatives who live in Nevada...Will my card work there too if go and visit?


Well-Known Member
You think it would work like a drivers license. But Im not sure I hope you find out because I would also like to know.


Active Member
No, Nevada will nail you. That card is only good in Cali.

A buddy of mine went to Las Vegas to visit his mom. He got busted with 1/4 oz on him. He showed the cops his 215 card. They just laughed and arrested him.

Be carefull in nevada. They act like weed is as bad as the real drugs.


Well-Known Member
I believe that NV has adopted a similar law to CA that its not an arrestable offense if small quantities, however there are no dispenseries. However I believe you need a med card specific to NV.

It used to be taboo a few years ago but the massive medi movement in Cali has spilled over and cops are quite a bit more tolerant in my experience, however you are more likely to run in to a "Boss Hog Redneck" cop who thinks its the devil.