Prop 19, will they or won't they?


Well-Known Member
So I was on drudgereport and saw an article saying how prop 19 was losing support. I found this pretty shocking, considering how tolerant modern attitudes are. Tomorrow is the election when this measure is voted on, tomorrow history could be changed.

Now, I know some of you are against prop 19 for its taxation reasons. Obviously weed is never going to be legal without some sort of "sin" tax imposed, hell you pay tax on a can of soda. Just like alcohol though, there are obviously provisions which allow for the personal production of cannabis. Anyone can legally brew beer under a certain amount for personal consumption, most don't have the discipline and choose to buy a case of bud light, but I digress.

The one's against prop 19 are either dealers or government sheeple. I understand why big growers would be against it, hell I probably would be too. For the average Joe working his regular job, who just wants to ease his mind after work, its wonderful. Imagine no worry about cops finding your stash, no jail for a joint, the pain and suffering OVER!

The US federal government loves to put people in their fancy cages. THEY will NEVER legalize on the federal level unless forced to do so, i.e. California. Come on people, THIS IS OUR MOMENT!!! Once you vote yes, and its law, the federal government won't be able to do shit to stop you. They like to posture and threaten, but they would have any support at all. The federal government is on the ropes, we know it, they know it. Show them no mercy, go for the kill and finish them off once and for all! Bottom line, if you are in California and vote no, then don't even complain when they come to put you in their fancy cage.
Prop 19 hasn't been voted on yet and I am already tired of hearing about it....can't wait for the 10 more threads like this tonight to join the 20 others.

They just end up arguments with people getting all pissy about other peoples choices to vote or not vote.
I respect every person's decision to vote or not, I'm a hardcore libertarian. I also realize that to see actual change in our draconian policies, a decision must be made. We can either change our system through ballots, or bullets. Let me first say that I live in the midwest, where they WILL throw you in jail if they find even a roach in your posession. Prop 19 will only be a symbolic victory at best, but will most assuredly start a domino effect for the rest of us. If I lived in California I would go to the polls stoned out of my mind to vote yes, isn't that kinda the point? The real issue at hand is a matter of personal freedom.

Look how far we've come. Cheech and Chong are household names as well as icons to our movement. To expect that cannabis will be legalized without any taxation or regulation, well you have to be high off your ass to expect that. Unfortunately we live in the real world where soccer moms will be throwing a shit fit for even letting adults smoke a joint privately in their own homes. As this movement is concerned, we have to see the bigger picture. Sure, it might suck having to pay a tax on a bag of herb at the liquor store. I think it would be amazing if it was even sold there to begin with. We have to start somewhere. To the big growers out there, don't think your skills will be no longer in demand, on the contrary. Like microbreweries are today, expert growers will be in very high demand.

IF PROP 19 DOESN'T PASSS!!!! What the hell are the rest of us supposed to do? Just sit around, hoping we don't get thrown in a gov cage for exercising our freedoms. They already have naked body scanners in every airport, and no one seems to care. What's stopping them from putting them in the post offices and every mall? Mainly, we will all just sit around and bitch about how much the gov sucks and should leave us alone. They don't give a fuck, we are paying their salary either way, why should they? THEN IF IT DOESN'T PASS we can wait around another two years, while countless other innocent people have their lives destroyed, while we try to gather support for ANOTHER legalization attempt. GUESS WHAT BOYS AND GIRLS? You have the opportunity to legalize it TOMORROW!!!! Think about all the cancer patients who face felony charges for attempting to help their pain. Why risk our own liberty and livelyhood so a few rich, for profit growers can make a killing? To the stoners in California; wake up tomorrow, smoke a few bowls, and then go MAKE IT LEGAL!!! I have faith in you California! Make us proud!
Have you read prop 19? It makes it a felony to grow in the same house as a child for fucks sake. Who would support shit like that? It's half assed legalization at best. Watch the feds fuck with everyone now.

It's a catch 22.

1 step forward...2 backwards.
Have you read prop 19? It makes it a felony to grow in the same house as a child for fucks sake. Who would support shit like that? It's half assed legalization at best. Watch the feds fuck with everyone now.

It's a catch 22.

1 step forward...2 backwards.

The only new felonies have to do with minors. Minors shouldn't be around grows anymore than they should take trips to the local distillery. Marijuana is a prescription drug under 215, why shouldn't there be penalties for supplying minors with drugs? That argument is baseless, unless you defend smoking or growing around children. I hope that is not the case and I just misunderstood your stance.
The only new felonies have to do with minors. Minors shouldn't be around grows anymore than they should take trips to the local distillery. Marijuana is a prescription drug under 215, why shouldn't there be penalties for supplying minors with drugs? That argument is baseless, unless you defend smoking or growing around children. I hope that is not the case and I just misunderstood your stance.

i have children and i smoke and grow.
Have you read prop 19? It makes it a felony to grow in the same house as a child for fucks sake. Who would support shit like that? It's half assed legalization at best. Watch the feds fuck with everyone now.

It's a catch 22.

1 step forward...2 backwards.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not currently a felony already? The feds have no real power anymore. What are they really going to do, impose martial law on the entire state because people vote "the wrong way"? They are too busy propping up our failing dollar with more phantom money. Our federal government is off the rails out of control. Its time to tell them to go fuck themselves, their ship is sinking fast and I don't want to be anywhere near it.