Promix hp and Gaia green amendments

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Was looking to build my own living soil. Does anyone have a good recipe on this. I also have worm castings. Please help a rookie out
Was looking to build my own living soil. Does anyone have a good recipe on this. I also have worm castings. Please help a rookie out
Last soil I mixed, and pretty much what I use for everything the past two years is:

8 parts promix : 6 parts compost : 1 part perlite : 1 part crushed lava rock + gg as per directions (no cooking necessary). I use the synthetic 4 month ferts for vegetables and swap the lava rock for more perlite.

I mainly use worm castings for topdressing when I see signs of deficiency.. What I'm trying to get at is - don't overthink it, mix that promix 50:50 with the best textured compost within reach and add whatever amount of airation plus some organic amendments.