ProGrow 50w Plasma lights


Active Member
Hey guys I just ordered a couple of these and was wondering if anyone has tried them. I'm currently using 2 ProGrow 550's on a light mover and wanted to add a couple of these to the room. Has anyone added these to an all LED grow?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I just ordered a couple of these and was wondering if anyone has tried them. I'm currently using 2 ProGrow 550's on a light mover and wanted to add a couple of these to the room. Has anyone added these to an all LED grow?
No but I have the 550 as well, I've seena dutch grower on youtube with 4x these on 9 clones which ended up nice little fat colas, nothing to huge. Good additional spectrum additions lights I suppose. Any pics of the 550's in action??


Active Member
nope no action shots,I have yet to complete a grow with these. I've been focused on my out side grow till now but once its set-up I'll be sure to post some shots.


Active Member
I just got an email from a sales rep and they have alot of plasma not shown on the site.:wall: I should have gotten the 100 watt