Progressive Young Turks Think Ron Paul is Probably a better option then Obama


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Progressive Young Turks Think Ron Paul is Probably a better option then Obama

Progressive's around the country are waking up to the fact that Ron Paul is a better choice then Obama

cites civil libertaries and war as the main reason, including the drug war.



Well-Known Member
Progressive Young Turks Think Ron Paul is Probably a better option then Obama

Progressive's around the country are waking up to the fact that Ron Paul is a better choice then Obama

cites civil libertaries and war as the main reason, including the drug war.
didn't watch the video, but do agree with you that for a few of the core groups of progressives, mostly one issue voters, he could be the guy.

but then you'd have to take all of his other nutty shit, too. and that turns off many of those who would otherwise be his one issue voters. i have several issues i must balance when casting a vote.

good to hear he is at least in the news now. i want his issues discussed with appeal to left and right (he often teams up with my gay lover barney frank) so that the very few that are good ideas can be advanced, while his myriad of other babylonian bunglefuck can be roundly rejected.


Well-Known Member
didn't watch the video, but do agree with you that for a few of the core groups of progressives, mostly one issue voters, he could be the guy.

but then you'd have to take all of his other nutty shit, too. and that turns off many of those who would otherwise be his one issue voters. i have several issues i must balance when casting a vote.

good to hear he is at least in the news now. i want his issues discussed with appeal to left and right (he often teams up with my gay lover barney frank) so that the very few that are good ideas can be advanced, while his myriad of other babylonian bunglefuck can be roundly rejected.
Watch the video, because it EXACTLY parrots your viewpoint. Cenk thinks some of the things Ron Paul wants are pretty far out there too, but watch the Video because it has a surprise ending.

But i wouldn't worry about Ron Paul, in 6 days Obama is going to sign the new detention bill, the minute after doing that he will declare Ron Paul a enemy combatant and they will send in a team of Military assets to capture him and throw him in a hole in some other country and let him rot.


Well-Known Member
Even with the few things Paul may be "nutty" on, he's so fucking dead on right about everything else that I can over look a little crazyness. I mean seriously, do you really want Newt/Romney or even Obama again in office? Oh fuck no. Ron is the right man, period.

That video was a good find, the last minute was awesome though.

you fuckers better get off your asses and vote this time around. if you do, the online community will hands down put Paul in office even with the media lying all the way up until election day, the support is enormous and overall I think voter turnout next november will be huge.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Progressive Young Turks Think Ron Paul is Probably a better option then Obama

Progressive's around the country are waking up to the fact that Ron Paul is a better choice then Obama

cites civil libertaries and war as the main reason, including the drug war.
That is a compelling argument. But that's risky and really dependent on what the next congress will be composed of. If we had a republican majority in both houses of congress it's frightening how much damage Ron Paul could do. But if we had a democratic congress, then I'd agree that we're probably better off with Paul than Obama.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Even with the few things Paul may be "nutty" on, he's so fucking dead on right about everything else that I can over look a little crazyness. I mean seriously, do you really want Newt/Romney or even Obama again in office? Oh fuck no. Ron is the right man, period.
The problem is that the nutty stuff is probably the most important part. Think there is a problem with wealth concentrated in the hands of the 1% now? Imagine what would happen with out the regulations that prevent the elites from ripping us off. It could potentially turn the majority of Americans into indentured servants. For that reason alone, I could never vote for Ron Paul.


New Member
The problem is that the nutty stuff is probably the most important part. Think there is a problem with wealth concentrated in the hands of the 1% now? Imagine what would happen with out the regulations that prevent the elites from ripping us off. It could potentially turn the majority of Americans into indentured servants. For that reason alone, I could never vote for Ron Paul.
Imagine what would happen without Regulations? Why? What? Ron Paul is not a doomsday scenario get real...Ron Paul supports the 99%..Ron Paul is the 99%


Undercover Mod
I felt like Obama was a real Candidate for the next election, but he just feels like the substitute teacher. Like he is a place holder. He is there and hes got authority, but does anyone care what he has to say? Is anyone gonna do what he says? Or is the whole class just gonna squabble all term long.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Imagine what would happen without Regulations? Why? What? Ron Paul is not a doomsday scenario get real...Ron Paul supports the 99%..Ron Paul is the 99%
Ron Paul may very well be a doomsday scenario. And supporting complete deregulation is NOT supporting the 99%.

I agree with Ron Paul on most social issues, but his economic policies are frightening. If he ever got his way I really do think it would permanently destroy the American middle class. The middle class only exists because the protectionist regulations Ron Paul doesn't think we need.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I felt like Obama was a real Candidate for the next election, but he just feels like the substitute teacher. Like he is a place holder. He is there and hes got authority, but does anyone care what he has to say? Is anyone gonna do what he says? Or is the whole class just gonna squabble all term long.
I agree with that. It's just the alternatives are so terrible. I'll take a substitute teacher over someone teaching false information.


New Member
Ron Paul may very well be a doomsday scenario. And supporting complete deregulation is NOT supporting the 99%.

I agree with Ron Paul on most social issues, but his economic policies are frightening. If he ever got his way I really do think it would permanently destroy the American middle class. The middle class only exists because the protectionist regulations Ron Paul doesn't think we need.
completely destroy the middle class? How so? Please be specific. Ron Paul is not a doomsday scenario your being ridiculous. Based on Ron Pauls Income, HE IS technically in the 99%..hes in the 50%. This combined with his only corporate donations being technology like Google. Ron Paul doesn't answer to lobbyist and take corporate money.

Who funds Obama and the others? Goldman Sachs, F&F, JP Morgan ...Special Interest....and now shit like the Koch Brothers with the super pacs its retarded.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that the nutty stuff is probably the most important part. Think there is a problem with wealth concentrated in the hands of the 1% now? Imagine what would happen with out the regulations that prevent the elites from ripping us off. It could potentially turn the majority of Americans into indentured servants. For that reason alone, I could never vote for Ron Paul.
Ron Paul does not want to lift regulations, he wants to lift some (not All) FEDERAL regulations. Where do you guys come up with these ideas? Want more equality? Getting rid of the Federal reserve could sure do that.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Maybe Paul being a Republican, he can get the house and senate to get soem shit done.
Maybe. But you've got to wonder what the party of "corporations are people too" would get done. Be careful what you ask for, you might get it!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
completely destroy the middle class? How so? Please be specific.
He wants to eliminate the minimum wage correct? That reduces labor prices across the board. He supports the deregulation of our financial system. He supports free trade. Ron Paul supports eliminating anti-trust and monopoly laws.

Those things alone might wreck the middle class permanently. Like I said, the middle class only exists because of protectionism. It needs to be preserved. That means financial regulation, labor regulation, etc.

Ron Paul is not a doomsday scenario your being ridiculous.
I disagree. A president isn't an autocrat. So it really depends on what type of congress he was working with. But if he was working with a republican congress, certainly they would support all the parts of Ron Paul's ideology that benefits the wealthy and go against the Paul's policies that would be of benefit to the American people. It would be a disaster. Doomsday would be an appropriate term.

But like the point made in the video, if Ron Paul had a democratic congress to temper his more extremist positions, I'd probably prefer him as president to Obama.

And then there is all kinds of middle ground between those things.

Based on Ron Pauls Income, HE IS technically in the 99%..hes in the 50%. This combined with his only corporate donations being technology like Google. Ron Paul doesn't answer to lobbyist and take corporate money.
I don't know if he answers to lobbyists or not, nor do you TBH. We aren't in the room when they are. But it is a fact that he's taken plenty of corporate money. He's taken PAC money from oil companies and the health insurance companies for sure.

Who funds Obama and the others? Goldman Sachs, F&F, JP Morgan ...Special Interest....and now shit like the Koch Brothers with the super pacs its retarded.
Well you could say the same thing about Jon Huntsman. If Paul wins Iowa, that will change. Right now Ron Paul isn't taking a lot of corporate money because not a lot of corporations are willing to give him money. But if he can show he's for real, that will all change. It's easy to be principled when those principles never get tested. Obama got most of his money from individual donors in 2008. Now he's quite friendly with all the lobbyists.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul does not want to lift regulations, he wants to lift some (not All) FEDERAL regulations. Where do you guys come up with these ideas? Want more equality? Getting rid of the Federal reserve could sure do that.
lol. Getting rid of the federal reserve will literally do NOTHING for income inequality. I'm not sure why Ron Paul supporters think they can just mash any words that sound good together and the final product will be a true statement. Pretty funny though.

Real tuff sell to try and convince me Ron Paul doesn't support deregulation of the financial industry. Not buying that at all.


New Member
He wants to eliminate the minimum wage correct? That reduces labor prices across the board. He supports the deregulation of our financial system. He supports free trade. Ron Paul supports eliminating anti-trust and monopoly laws.
No, No, No, Just No...This is entirely incorrect..and not true. Ron Paul isn't going to do any of this and he doesn't support "free trade agreements" he voted against all of them...and he wants to go after financial criminals, he does go after them, and he does not want to eliminate anti-trust and monopoly laws.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
So you think he hasn't been tested in 30 years?
Not as a serious presidential candidate, no. He's never been in the big leagues. When he has been offered oil lobbyist PAC money, he's taken it. We'll see what happens if he starts to get offered real money from corporations. I've yet to hear of a single case of any politician declining lobbyist PAC money.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
No, No, No, Just No...This is entirely incorrect..and not true. Ron Paul isn't going to do any of this and he doesn't support "free trade agreements" he voted against all of them...
Well those were factual statements, so yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul believes that poor Americans would "absolutely" be better off if the minimum wage were eliminated."Do you advocate getting rid of the minimum wage, would that create more jobs?" Politico's John Harris asked Paul during Wednesday's Republican presidential debate. "Absolutely," Paul declared.

"Madam Speaker, today we are considering a bill aimed at modernizing the financial services industry through deregulation. It is a worthy goal which I support." - Ron Paul
(from his website)
Ron Paul is a proponent of free trade and rejects protectionism, advocating “conducting open trade, travel, communication, and diplomacy with other nations.”

Ron Paul against anti-trust and monopoly laws:

So there you go. Prove that what I said is factually correct. You guys pretend Ron Paul is flawless, but he really isn't.