Professional HELD needed! My top leafs seem to be dying!


New Member
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgI've got 4 white widow, which are in 5th week of flowering alot of the top layer of the leafs are dying, I thought this was cal / mag deficiency but I'm not sure anymore. I need to know what's the best thing to do for here ladies.

They are in canna pro soil in a 11lt pot, they are given one 1 litre each every other day. That litre has 3ml canna Flores, 2ml big bud and 1ml risertonic. They are watered with nut 3 times then flushed on 4th with just ph water.

Ive got a 1m x 1m x 2m tent with a 400w hps, with ducting and then two fans one being 6" and the other 12" the tent at the highest is sitting at 28c

A week and half ago I noticed a few yellow spots on the plants and thought this was a calcium dificency so added calmag, to stop this and have been flushing with this since then. This problem actually developed and now 3 out of the 4 plants have crisp leafs on top!

I really don't know what to do as this is my first time in this game, had then looking perfect and now they looking as if they gonna die! Please can somebody help me out. I'll up load pics.

Cheers murphyb



Active Member
Yea yoh dont get yellow spots from cal or mad deficiency they leaves would be yellowing as a whole or curling like a taco. What your problem is heat or your plants are too close. Raise light to about 17 inches above tops, give half nutes, and lower grow room temp with fans or somthing facing between the tops and the light to blow away hot air from your tops.
Cut the brown shit off down to the green all its doing at this point is blocking light. Also too man leavs in genereal for indoor. Plants grow more leaves then they need during veg, best to take off about 80 percent of fat stemed fan leafs and or any leaf sticking out the bottom of your plant that dosnt get light anyway or is blocking a fat nug from getting light. You will get bigger yeilds if the plant isnt directing moisture flow to those fat leaves and is sending the flow of water/nutes/ sugars to the nug rather trying to maintain a bunch of leaves.


Active Member
And the yellow spots may also be moisture. Beads of water magnify light and burn circle yellow/ brown spots. If your plant was wet enough for long enough under your light then that will also cause burning that looks like that. And by that i mean alot of burning. Sooo its one of those is your probies


Active Member
Also cal mag can burn u up too in higher dosage. So im thinkin it was a combo of those things lol. So u had a hot room burning them with moisture on your leaves burning them then you burned them with cal mag. Good job,


Active Member
A few yellow spots are pretty common, next time shrugg it off and just give it clean water and it woulda been fine


New Member
Thanks for quick reply, and for the straight answer. The heat is a problem, which been trying for sort since the start! Got ducting in there 1 x 6" fan 1x 12" fan and a small ac unit! Just can get it down this is is due to being in summer now. I'll trim them back tonight and add nutrients back in buy half them all? Half to what I was giving them or half the amount it says on nutrient bottle? Also is there an amount of leave that I shouldn't take off? Incase it harms plant?



Active Member
You said u allready flushed right? If so then yea half what it says on the bottle and put the cal mag away for a while


Active Member
Look at my plants on my thread on the same page as yours for refrence to the leaf removal its the one that says 30 2- oz plants under 2000 watts


Active Member
If it isnt getting direct light it aint doin shit but taking energy. My fan leaves are full of crystals at week 3 of flower. I know my shit


New Member
Monterello thanks for the info, just ignoring what other fella said. What you said about them getting burnt from damp, could this be cause by 70% hymidity? Because it was running at that around that time, it's back down now though, think this was because of weather. Do you think my plants will be ok? Seen as there only 3 weeks left, this much have effected them? Have you seen all the picture? Would you like to see anymore? Thanks for your help again


Active Member
This really is not who is the best or worst at gardening. Everyone should respect each other and respect each other's opinion, right or wrong. No need to be arguing over something so inconsequential. We just need to help each other out in times of need,
Looks like a heat issue to me. As for the popcorn, I leave them for use in my dry ice hash.



Active Member
Op Man this stuff on here. Still have the problem ? What are you NPK values of the nutes your using. Don't take off any healthy leaves. Could almost just let your plant shed them when ready. Leaves produce bud. More leaves=more bud.