Problems with stems - PLEASE HELP ME!<3

photo 1 (3).jpg That black is on some of the main stem, thee stems are extremely sensitive and are very squishy, but there is good growth still....! Please help
Not much I would be able to tell you.... Weed should be pretty easy to grow, you get the right soil, right lights, and it should take off. If you're having probs look at what your conditions are and sometimes you lose plants. Can't help it, nature is a cruel mistress. You have to restart and if you have good conditions, there shouldnt be a problem.


New Member
what're you conditions like? temp, light, humidity, medium etc? do you have a fan blowing in your grow room? an oscilating fan blows plants around a little, forcing the cells on the stem to strengthen. that stem looks like mine when i tie them down too tight, or when i pinch too hard when i supercrop.


New Member
purple stems could be a cal or mg def, i think. i agree with brucees, it looks bruised. could it have been bumped or bent by a fan, or by you manoeuvring in your grow room? all in all, i wouldnt call it serious unless it gets alot worse. how much nutes per gallon or litre are you using? environment sounds good. how far along are you?


Well-Known Member
Could be a ton of different things. Kinda hard to diagnose without some form of leaf discoloration.
im using 1/4th a TSP Fox Farm Big Bloom and fertilizer, and no, havent bumped at all or anything, there are a few other leaves the same. Some of new leaves come out severely curled and with black curled up tips