Problems with my plant after rez change


Ok, not sure what I did wrong here but plants were fine. I changed the reservoir just for the heck of it and now my plants are curling. Aeroponic. I added Mag Cal this time. Tap water was at 75 ppm added to about 200ppm then GH until like 700ppm, previously I was at 450ppm. What is wrong with my babies? lol IMAG0203.jpgIMAG0204.jpg


the ph is fine. i think it is the nutrients. i followed the latewood formula or thought i did for nutrients.
I read somewhere that you want the ppm to be about 1000.
My tap water is 75ppm, i added mag cal to about 200ppm then did 8ml of GH 3 part/gallon and it only brought the ppm to like around 500ppm. So i added a lil of each nutrient until it got to 700ppm. In two hours the leaves had started to curl. I'm like wtf and added 2-3 more gallons of tap water to dilute thinking it was nutrient overdose. It raised my ph, realized i was out of ph down until i can get some today. Having the ph too high will prevent it from absorbing the nutrients right? So if it was overdose, the higher ph will help until i can get it corrected right? My first grow by the way.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt be higher then 600ppm with those lil girls!!! what is your ph?? they look burnt and showing ph curl.


Well-Known Member
you need to take into consideration the size of the plant and also the light if cfl and small plant like that they ont need much.. but i would say 600 max if that i never used gh but i would say 400-500...

if you havnt done so already then you need to flush your plants with plain water and then give like 200 for a few days..


New Member
i agree with these guys.

600 might be pushing it.
some plants are feeders, some not so much.

flush plants, start again at a lower ppm using a balanced nute formula.
better to slowly increase ppm than to go for the gusto right away.

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
Yeah man 700 is already mazes out, & I would even think about 1000ppm until much much layer down the road, if at all. You want to slowly build your plants up to high concentrations of nutrients. Your plants even look a lil small to be dosing with 400ppm. I start mine around 200 or do and gradually increase as my water changes come... Stick with it man you'll figure her out!