Problems with H&G - PH dropping wildy?


Active Member
Hi everyone, im using house and garden aqua flakes, root stim, multi enzimes, bud XL, top booster and top shooter gel in a ten pot wilma system with clay pebbles and growing barnys nightshade

ok now, the problem is that as the grow chart for H&G said 4 weeks from harvest u use the top booster(pk 13-14 with iron) for 3-4 days then u start using top shooter for the last three weeks but since i done this there has been no more bud growth and my ph is dropping down to 4.5 from 5.8 in 1 day?? this had previously been rising gently as normal

the plants look lovly no sign of any of the usual problems so i flushed them with clean water for 30+ hours but it seems to have made no diffrence, i also notice now my EC is rising badly in 1 day going from 1.8 to 2.4-2.5 (not good) seems like the stopped taking nutes and only water now

the bud growth had been fine up till putting in the top booster

i have the old mother in the flowering room to and she is in soil and is budding very nicly all white and lovley
