problems during flowering?


well all my plants have matured and ive now got 6 budding females all of varying heights and one short mother plant only three males in all flushed two cuz i got paranoid and im wondering about my biggest plant bagseed but definately sativa dominant at a little over 50 inches in height but my question was if wether or not i started flushing too early cuz i started flowering in the middle of febuary it was 18 inches tall
but in the last two weeks ive started using straight water instead of the nutes im useing gen hydro flora series nutes but like i said its just been plain old water in the last two weeks ive seen more white hairs produced but the top cola or soon to be top cola leaves have started curling inward like a claw no big color change at all
but its gotten too big for my room its moved from directly under my 400 watter to the side of the room.i did the best i could wit what i had and filled the room with mylar
no heat trouble in the room cuz its ac cooled so i cant think of what it could be
any help is appreciated thank you

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
We can't say much without pics but you should probably check the soil pH. If you flushed the plants when there was no toxicity any sooner than the last watering before harvest, you flushed too early. Flushing isn't a requirement of growing btw.