problems continue 7 weeks into flowering MasterKush, please take a look.

All i can say is that the this problem was mostly with MK1 until this morning when 5 more leaves started to fall off MK2 just today. I only used 2 gallons of a water with about 1 hefty table spoon of blackstrap mixed in to on of the gallon containers. At 7 Weeks can anyone help me do something to finish stronger?

UPDATE: didnt plan on my USB cable shitting out on me today either. Old picture (5 weeks in) is all i got for now

UPDATE: this plant might possibly have a bad bug problem, after reading some posts, and looking at all the pots. this one of 4 seems to have all the activity. any organic solutions?



Active Member
I wish ya luck man. After working with hydro I dont believe I'll ever use soil since eneral hydroponics came out with a organic hydro line now. Every time I hear about soil its always a bug related matter.