Problems and questions galore! (long post)


Active Member
[FONT=&quot]So I've been trying to do my first grow for awhile. Due to some setbacks, it's slow going. My first batch of seedlings got cooked when a fan died on me. Only one survived and it's pretty gimpy looking. I started another plant after the toasting incident, and then 2 more about 2 weeks later.

Growbox setup and growing environment details: The box is a 30 gal "rubbermaid" tub. It sits around 80-82 degrees with lights on, Lows about 68 when out. Humidity is between 30-55%. I have a total of 200 Watts of CFL light running right now. A big 125Watt CFL above and 2 42s closer to the plants. Theres a 7 inch desk fan oscillating on low (smallest I could find that oscillated). I have two intake fans low on both sides, with an exhust fan near the rim. They are just old PC fans I hooked up to a DC adapter. Lights are on a 18/6 schedule .

Soil and watering: I'm using Black Gold potting soil. It's just what I could find at the time. It's mixed with about 30% perlite. In hind sight, I didn't wash it before mixing it like the directions said. Big mistake? I don't believe it has any ferts in it. the PH of my water and soil are dead on 7. I water about 2 OZs every 3-4 days. I stick my finger in the soil until about the 2nd knuckle. If soil sticks to my finger I wait, if it's dry, I water. Side note: I've tried 2 moisture meters and they always seem to barely move past the “dry” marker. Even if I totally soak the soil (did a test cup of soil, completely drenched it, and it still didn't move much), seriously, am I missing something with these things?

Plant A: Toasted surviving plant. I don't expect much from it, but I'll grow it anyway. It's about 5 weeks old and still pretty small. The lower leaves are dead/dying from the burn, but it's getting some height the last few weeks. I haven't started to fertilize it yet because it still looks like a seedling. The leaves on this plant also don't seem to be a dark deep green, but more of a light olive green.

Plant B: About 3 weeks old now. Starting it's 3rd set of true leaves. It's been getting more and more yellow. It’s proto leaves died REALLY fast as well. I don't *think* I'm watering it enough. The soil gets pretty bone dry between waterings. But due to fear of overwatering, I try to wait at least 3 days before I give it anything. Again, it gets about 2-3 OZ of water every 3-4 days.

Plants B & C: Both sprouted about a week ago. I did a test and left them under their humidity tents the whole time. For every other plant I took them off after the first set of true leaves grew and the 2nd set was just sprouting. The soil is still pretty moist on both. I put my thermometer probe in there and it’s reaching 95 degrees! But damn are they thriving. They are both a nice DEEP green. The first set of leaves are MUCH broader and they are catching up fast to the plant that is 2 weeks ahead of them. Could my strain of bag seed just like it THAT hot? Since they aren’t getting any wind under the tent, their stems look pretty scrawny. So I’m kinda torn at what to do now.
Hopefully that’s enough detail… lol. Sorry. I tend to over write in posts, but I want to be as clear as possible. A few questions are…

Plant A: What can I do to make it’s life easier? I know it’s gimpy, is there anyway I can help it along?
Plant B: under/over watering? Should I totally drench the soil every watering rather than just water til it runs out the bottom?
Plants B & C: I would LIKE these two to grow 100% problem free. They look healthy right now, but a little weak stemmed. Should I try and raise the temp/humidity of the whole grow box maybe? Should I just keep them under the tent?
Attached are some Pics. Plants go in order of A B C [/FONT]

