problem with white widow seedlings (bottom leaves yellowing/brown spots)

Hi guys,
Okay I have a small issue that I was hoping you could help me with, or at least confirm the problem.

Okay I have a white widow seedling, about 5 inches tall, has a few sets of leaves. The bottom set are fading out to yellow, with brownish/black spots appearing soon after on the leaf edges.
Now the plants are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, PH is about 7.0 (i usually run 6.0 in hydro but how should it be in soil? 6.3-6.8?)

My assumption was lockout due to overwatering, but I have since backed off on the water and it still is yellowing. I was told the fox farm may be too rich, so I haven't fertilized. I did spray the undersides of the leaves with some seaweed extract in a spray bottle.

Should I remove the yellowed leaves?

I am afraid that this problem will only get worse without help, so I appreciate it.

Update: i think I may know what the problem is, i have been using RO water and creating a calcium magnesium deficiency maybe? I have cal-mag, thought i only needed to use that when adding water to hydro system, but should I use it when watering plants in soil?