Problem with Sex of plant (Newbie Help)


New Member
my plant is about 2 months old its bigger and healthier than plants its age. but unlike the rest it hasnt shown any signs of sex yet. It was a seed and i started using egg shells mixed in with ocean forest fox farm soil after it was about 2-3 inches tall and its been an outdoor plant since day 1. in Northern California..

I was wondering if theres any for sure way to make it pop into a female? I recently started cutting it back to 8 hrs of daylight rather than having it outside all day and night hoping that works.

any and all suggestions wanted.

Its a mystery plant and it has nine leaves on each branch. so probably gunna kill me if have to chop it down


Well-Known Member
Looking beautiful! By the leaf structure and height, I'd say you have some sativa in there, so pre-sexing might take a little bit longer. However, some plants don't show at all until the light cycle changes. Are you going to leave it outside to flower? If so, you're going to have to wait until there are fewer daylight hours naturally.

You can't make it pop into a female -- it's either female or isn't. However, if you're impatient to find out, you can take a cutting, let it root and then put it on a 12/12 light can move that cutting in and out of the house really easily, just make sure it's in TOTAL darkness on the dark side of the cycle. You should know within a week if it's male or female...


Active Member
That's what mine looked like then all asudden one day it grew into a lil calex an spit two hairs, so wait it out and keep an eye on the corners of the internodes


New Member
Well after about 3 months and 2 wks of cutting it back to 8hrs of sunlight a day.....have to chop down my 6ft (if count the planter)x 4ft wide plant....TOMORROW gunna suck....


Well-Known Member
Turned out to be male then? Yeah, that does suck! Been there! If you're growing sativas you probably should sex at around 3 weeks veg by taking a cutting and forcing flowering on it. It will save a month or two of waiting.


Well-Known Member
Dont chop the thing down man. You have to wait, and dont put it out for 8 hrs a day leave it out for normal sunlight let nature do its thing. The sunlight per day is 14 hrs a day right now if anything leave your plant out for 12 hrs of sunlight and put it in complete darkness for the next 12. But living on your plants schedule is a bitch.