Problem with Rapid Rooters +rep


Active Member
I've started germinated seeds in rapid rooters and in less than 24 hrs the seeds have been pushed up nearly a half inch above the surface of the RR. It's as if the root is doing a push up down in the RR and can't get through. They are damp but not wet. They are under lights so it doesn't seem like the seed should be exposed. I've tried taking some material from another RR and building it around the exposed seed. I have started seeds in rockwool before and had seeds move up slightly but not like this. What should I do?

PS - I guess I'll float an answer to my own question. Perhaps the RRs were too wet? They weren't sopping - about like I had rockwool. But for some reason it seems like the root didn't want to go down or couldn't and, like doing a pushup against the floor, it pushed the seed up and out. So many people seem to love these surely it can't be so hard for a root to get down through them.

Anyway, I have opened them up and placed them in new RRs but this time I slit the RR open on one side into the hole and opened it like a hotdog bun. Placed the seed 1/4 inch down and reset them in the tray with less water. That's what I've done for lack of a clue. Still looking for thoughts from someone who gets what happened and what I did wrong. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
jus sounds like u didnt put seed deep; enough, as long as tap root was in the rapid though it prob wud have been ok. i often put cracked seeds into rockwool cubes and within 24hrs they are agd 30mm up wit seeedd casing still on then next 24 hrs leaves will show. u shud have better luck this time but its often not advisable to be moving around at such a young and crucial stge, gd luck m8