Hello all,
This is my first grow and my first post. Things have gone relatively well. I started late receiving my clones on the 24th of May. I potted them in 4” pots and I kept them inside during the nights for a while till it was warm enough and with supplemental lighting on days they had to be inside. Once they were hardened and grew a little I potted into 1 gal sized pot and they were left outside. Eventually they were transplanted into 15 gal fabric pots and right around just before preflower they went to their final homes in 35 gal fabric pots.
initially I was all over the place researching what to do and such so my Initial “soil mix” was not as I would have liked after dialing in the type of grower I am and what I was wanting to achieve.
I am basically a hybrid of living soil and plain Organics. If that is even a thing. I didn’t amend my soil as heavily as I should have and have been top dressing and more recently making teas. I have a journal on my phone but it even confuses me a little. I have made many rookie errors but think they are doing ok. I mainly use Gaia Green nutes but also other brands like npk,Dutch sciences, etc.
i use many amendments depending on what stage and what I think the ladies want like worm castings, compost, HP soil, promix organic soil, perlite, vermiculite, Guanos, insect frass, kelp, afalfa, oyster shell, langbenite, DE, GG power bloom, GG all purpose, myco veg, myco bloom, Bokashi, fish emulsion, humates, humid acids, folvic acids, Epson salt, molasses, clay balls, lava rock, the list goes on lol. Whether it was added to soil or top dress it’s all in there at somepoint. I also added red wigglers and predatory mites from grub grenade to make sure my soil was free of bad guys and on occasion was spraying neem oil with dr Bennett’s soap and aloe or Epsom and such for bugs or just for the ladies. Also using home made mulch for veg and bloom
I haven’t used them all at same time and try to feed less then more but it takes time to learn. Tried morbloom once but didn’t like it and think it may have hurt my plants.
last feeding was
-flower top dress #1 - 1 1/2 cup worm castings, 1 cup compost, 1 cup HP soil, 1/2 teaspoon myco bloom, 3/4 cup power bloom, 1/2 cup AP, 1/4cup Bokashi, 1/4 cup afalfa, 1/4 cup kelp heaping, 1/4 cup insect frass, 4 tablespoon oyster shell/Epsom, 1 teaspoon bloom acids, 1 teaspoon bat guano
-add light layer of worm castings/HP/compost over dressing.
After that my langbenite came in and I thought I was potassium deficient so I did a light top dressing of work castings and 5 teaspoons of langbeinite and did a tea with it and some others.
This was my first flower top dressing and I had done a pre flower one a couple weeks back and a late veg/pre flower one another week or so back at different rates.
Anyways before my last top dressing for about a month I had been having some leaf problems with 1 plants then 2 then 3. My 4th is perfect and happy. First I thought deficient and added this and that to try and help. Didn’t seem to help so after a week or so I thought it was burn so I flushed them (I know now stupid with organic) let them dryish watered and next time did a light feeding and then water and then this flower feeding. 1 seems to have stabilized at its current look and still budding. 1 leaves we’re getting better but now continuing getting worse but still growing and budding and the last of the 3 is doing well and maybe slowly getting some leaf issues but holding well so far. My 4th is great and happy as can be. I should mention I have done multiple clean ups of branch’s and leaves, super cropping, LST, hst, pinching, chrio you name it I have tried it lol. The last big one was removing all the messed up leaves and cleaning bottom before the preflower phase and getting rid of whatever my plants were angry about.
I should say I fucked up and lost track of them during a transplant when my wife helped me move them before I staked them again. I think I know who’s who but that has not helped me regarding feedings lol.
initially I was just watering with a hose and a filter to keep chlorine out no ph. My water is 7-8 ph and 120-175 ppm. I lately have been trying to keep ph of any teas and or nutes to the 6-7 range if it’s too far out of the scale. Also Wasent paying attention to Ppm of teas at first but now been diluting them to around 7-800ppm. I know with organic ph and ppm are not suppose to matter but with my try at living soil mixed with learning as I went I can’t be sure where I’m at so trying to be careful.
I have a feeling I have over fed them and or am out of balance from my rookie mistakes but am looking for some help regarding am I ha omg buying of leaves from nute burn? Or maybe excess of one locking out another ? Or am I deficient? I thought initially k, cal, mag deficient but that can look like burn or lock out from in balance or even over watered which I don’t even think I can do in fabric pots but is a possibility. They don’t droop ever expect my perfect princes before night and the rest get relaxed. They tend to change greens expect my perfect princess who is always dark green.
anyway here are some pictures of them today. Not sure what I missed for info and I know I write like I talk so please ask if anymore info is needed and thank you for any help.
This is my first grow and my first post. Things have gone relatively well. I started late receiving my clones on the 24th of May. I potted them in 4” pots and I kept them inside during the nights for a while till it was warm enough and with supplemental lighting on days they had to be inside. Once they were hardened and grew a little I potted into 1 gal sized pot and they were left outside. Eventually they were transplanted into 15 gal fabric pots and right around just before preflower they went to their final homes in 35 gal fabric pots.
initially I was all over the place researching what to do and such so my Initial “soil mix” was not as I would have liked after dialing in the type of grower I am and what I was wanting to achieve.
I am basically a hybrid of living soil and plain Organics. If that is even a thing. I didn’t amend my soil as heavily as I should have and have been top dressing and more recently making teas. I have a journal on my phone but it even confuses me a little. I have made many rookie errors but think they are doing ok. I mainly use Gaia Green nutes but also other brands like npk,Dutch sciences, etc.
i use many amendments depending on what stage and what I think the ladies want like worm castings, compost, HP soil, promix organic soil, perlite, vermiculite, Guanos, insect frass, kelp, afalfa, oyster shell, langbenite, DE, GG power bloom, GG all purpose, myco veg, myco bloom, Bokashi, fish emulsion, humates, humid acids, folvic acids, Epson salt, molasses, clay balls, lava rock, the list goes on lol. Whether it was added to soil or top dress it’s all in there at somepoint. I also added red wigglers and predatory mites from grub grenade to make sure my soil was free of bad guys and on occasion was spraying neem oil with dr Bennett’s soap and aloe or Epsom and such for bugs or just for the ladies. Also using home made mulch for veg and bloom
I haven’t used them all at same time and try to feed less then more but it takes time to learn. Tried morbloom once but didn’t like it and think it may have hurt my plants.
last feeding was
-flower top dress #1 - 1 1/2 cup worm castings, 1 cup compost, 1 cup HP soil, 1/2 teaspoon myco bloom, 3/4 cup power bloom, 1/2 cup AP, 1/4cup Bokashi, 1/4 cup afalfa, 1/4 cup kelp heaping, 1/4 cup insect frass, 4 tablespoon oyster shell/Epsom, 1 teaspoon bloom acids, 1 teaspoon bat guano
-add light layer of worm castings/HP/compost over dressing.
After that my langbenite came in and I thought I was potassium deficient so I did a light top dressing of work castings and 5 teaspoons of langbeinite and did a tea with it and some others.
This was my first flower top dressing and I had done a pre flower one a couple weeks back and a late veg/pre flower one another week or so back at different rates.
Anyways before my last top dressing for about a month I had been having some leaf problems with 1 plants then 2 then 3. My 4th is perfect and happy. First I thought deficient and added this and that to try and help. Didn’t seem to help so after a week or so I thought it was burn so I flushed them (I know now stupid with organic) let them dryish watered and next time did a light feeding and then water and then this flower feeding. 1 seems to have stabilized at its current look and still budding. 1 leaves we’re getting better but now continuing getting worse but still growing and budding and the last of the 3 is doing well and maybe slowly getting some leaf issues but holding well so far. My 4th is great and happy as can be. I should mention I have done multiple clean ups of branch’s and leaves, super cropping, LST, hst, pinching, chrio you name it I have tried it lol. The last big one was removing all the messed up leaves and cleaning bottom before the preflower phase and getting rid of whatever my plants were angry about.
I should say I fucked up and lost track of them during a transplant when my wife helped me move them before I staked them again. I think I know who’s who but that has not helped me regarding feedings lol.
initially I was just watering with a hose and a filter to keep chlorine out no ph. My water is 7-8 ph and 120-175 ppm. I lately have been trying to keep ph of any teas and or nutes to the 6-7 range if it’s too far out of the scale. Also Wasent paying attention to Ppm of teas at first but now been diluting them to around 7-800ppm. I know with organic ph and ppm are not suppose to matter but with my try at living soil mixed with learning as I went I can’t be sure where I’m at so trying to be careful.
I have a feeling I have over fed them and or am out of balance from my rookie mistakes but am looking for some help regarding am I ha omg buying of leaves from nute burn? Or maybe excess of one locking out another ? Or am I deficient? I thought initially k, cal, mag deficient but that can look like burn or lock out from in balance or even over watered which I don’t even think I can do in fabric pots but is a possibility. They don’t droop ever expect my perfect princes before night and the rest get relaxed. They tend to change greens expect my perfect princess who is always dark green.
anyway here are some pictures of them today. Not sure what I missed for info and I know I write like I talk so please ask if anymore info is needed and thank you for any help.
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