Problem with light timer...


Active Member
Okay, so I have one of those cheap light timers where you push down the notches when you want the circuit to go off, and when you want it to come on. It's not it doesn't shut off the light. I'm wondering, do I have to plug it into the main socket? I have been plugging it into a power strip.


Well-Known Member
No, keep it,! I bought one TODAY. the same kind, four bucks. Works perfectly. I only use one red, and one green notch. 10am-10pm


Well-Known Member
p.s. it should have a outlet on the timer itself... you have to plug the power strip into the timer, not the timer into the power strip


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Depends on what your doing.If you want everything on the powerstrip to turn off and on then the strip plugs into the timer. If you want to just use the strips power for the timer then the timer goes into the strip and then the light into the timer side. For $17 you can get a good digital timers that allows over 500 settings and can be used to cyle time multiple lights or pumps in 1 minute intervals and can have 21 differnet setups for different times of the week. Hit lowes or homedpot or Menards..Hydro places sell them for $40 same timers


Mr I Can Do That For Half
also make sure your timer is rated to handle the amount of amps or watts your controloing with it as the little cheapies will melt when controlling 600 or bigger setups