Problem with Ladyburn 1974

Its week 5 of vegging and I have been feeding it what is recomended from Technaflora's recipe for sucess. I noticed last week that i got little brown spots on the lower leaves. This week they look very bad. Here are some pictures of the lower leaves. The waters ph I am giving to her is 6.5. This is my second grow and I didnt expiernce this issue with the last one. Any help is appreciated thanks. Also I noticed small brown dots appearing on the next level of leaves.


Well-Known Member
If u put pic from your plants its better to c prbls
I think kind of nut burn dude
in this case i advice u flush them first
Yea I am going to do that today. Thats what I thought it was, here is some full pictures of the plant. I also took a picture of a huge fan leave that was starting to get the dark small brown spots.2011-11-03 20.30.22.jpg2011-11-03 20.30.29.jpg


Well-Known Member
using tap water? did you say you were using what the bottle says to use? you didnt cut it back .. say 1/2 the amount to start?
Yea I am using tap water and i just flushed the plant 3 gallons per gallon and it still happening to the leaves. I used the tap water on my last grow and I did not have this issue. Yea i was using 1/4 and I am using Ocean forest, its was a month since i planted so last week I decided to add some nutrients. I started at 1/4 of the strength and then the leaves started to die.


My ladyburn got nute burn when I first gave it nutes, I flushed it and it seems to be ok, but the ladyburn seems to be able to take a lot more nutes then the rest of my crop.
Yea this is kind of ridiculous. I flushed it about a week and a half ago and it still is happening. How long does it take for it to stop burning up?


what ever happened to your ladyburn plants? Did they recover and if so do you have any pics. I got a ladyburn with about a week left of flower and they grow some massive buds.


Thats how mine looked when over-watered. What kinda soil you using? Might need to re-pot and hope they recover. Hate to lose her now. jmo


Well-Known Member
This is a friend of mines plant and she ended up herming due to stress. My friend and I could not figure out what the problem was. The soil was fox farm ocean forest.