Problem with germinating!!


every time I germinate a seed, by the time its done the paper towel shows signs of mold and/or mildew and I'm starting to get kinda ticked off, I have been putting it in a drawer away from light and have been using 6.5 PH water, to raise and lower PH I have been using phosphoric acid and potassium silicate. Reason I mention this is because the potassium silicate has a tendency to crust up and form little crystals. and after I have germinated what looked to be a waste of time it finally sprouted but only to find that a few days in the jiffy pellets there are little white crystals on the top of the pellets..any ideas of what is happening and how I can fix it? I have a few pics to show you what I mean but they aren't very descriptive but maybe could help out?



Active Member
Put the seed in a cup of water overnite, if it floats by morning, tap it. if it sinks put it directly in soil 6-8 mm down. Use only water, none of that bmumbo gumbo stuff you have been doig. the'll sprout within 3 days.


Active Member
I use the paper towel method myself with a 100% germ rate. No need to ph up or down just use tap water with GOOD beans get your towels wet dripping a little bit not totally soaked either . Use heat I usally put my paper towels on a plate with the exact same plate on top of it like a saucer and place on my cabke box for heat....


Well-Known Member
I use a little of both i soak overnight in about 1 inch of the bottom of a cup. I put my seed in between a few layers of paper towels then i put about 1/2 inch water to cover and soak. I put it on heating pad in the dark the next day sometimes they have split so if so, i put in a cup with pre soaked starter soil (plain nothing in it but drainage shit no food) cover it with a baggie and a rubberband, I poke a tiny pinhole in for air this goes on heating pad until it breaks soil then remove baggie. If seed has not split i pour water off leaving just enough to keep it damp then back on heating pad in dark till splt. I have experimented with stuborn seeds germing in peroxide, sand paper, spliting with a blade down the seam (carful not to punctur embrio i only experiment if i have waited a week and got nothing then i feellike its nothing to lose.

good luck - keep em green- 1Luv


Well-Known Member
Seriously all it takes is 2 plates and 6 paper towels. Damp 3 paper towels and put them on the plate, spread the seeds out, and then cover the seeds with another 3 damp paper towels. Cover it with the other plate and set it on top of the cable box or any electronic device that gives off a small amount of heat. 100% germ rate no need to ph the water. Don't make it so complicated.