problem is progressing...calcium or potassium? neither? (pics)


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty good cocktail of dirt so I'd be surprised if you were deficient on anything yet, even if using RO water. Did you transplant them straight into the supersoil or buffer a little around your rootball with milder soil? Might just be a bit of transplant shock if the supersoil was pushed up against roots that weren't used to it. If so, should self correct. If not, you'll probably need to give more details about anything else you've given the plants.


Well-Known Member
IMO- it looks like a calcium deficiency.
Check your pH.
Use some Cal/Mag IMO- I use the Cal/Mag once a month from start to finish.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Active Member
They were in 1 gallon pots with roots soil for about 3 weeks. Then I transplanted into a 5 gallon with 1/3 ss, 1/3 mix ss and roots. And 1/3 roots on top. They've been in the 5 gallons for about 3 weeks now. Watered then with nothing but gallon distilled water

Does the cal/mag option work when using super soil? I've always been told the ph shouldn't matter if going organic

sativa indica pits

Active Member
IMO the ph always matters, some dissagree but thats them. I make sure to keep my ph in line and I dont have any problems. Each time I dump this or that... not ph'd to 6.5-6.6 I end up with issues. ph'd everything makes thisDSC00929.jpgDSC00924.jpg

sativa indica pits

Active Member
so if you dumped a high ph water in and it came out 5.8, that would mean... the water passing by molecules were getting acidified by whats in the soil and leaching them out. simple. first I would tell you to get some 6.5 water. Scoop out 2-3 tablespoons of soil from your pot. put it in a small glass. Cover the soil with the 6.5 water just untill its muddy, soup. Use as little water as you can. let it sit for 1-2 hrs. drain out the water into another glass and let it settle for 10-20 min, untill the water is somewhat clear. Now test the water that was sitting in with the soil. The molecules in the soil will bind to the water molecules and make them either acidic or alkaline. Im pretty sure if those were correct readings, you soil ph would be around 5.0 give or take.... maybe lower like 4.5. check back whendone