Problem after I flushing my plants

I have one problems whit my plants...
4-5 day ago I was flushing tham becouse to much fertilizer,and after that thay stop to growing...
Nothing 4-5 days...
Thay looking good but not growing,small leaves are the same like 4-5 days ago...
It's that normal or I make some biger shit?!?

I know that they need some time after the shock,but this is maybe to much.

Thay looking like this one more or less... and 4-5 days without any change

Thanks for the help



New Member
try giving it some epsom salt to help with lock out micro nute deficiency. You should always use epsome salt after a lockout

also plants grow in spurts so maybe you're just in between spurts. Epsom salt won't hurt though its natural just give her a little bit like 1/3 tsp or less
Hello there,, if you have flushed the median then there will be no nutrients left for the plant to take up,, it will be running on its own reserves,, start off fertilizeing every other watering useing a very diluted mixture (1/4) of manufactuer recommendation and slowly build up weekly. hope this helps,, happy growing
Tnx guys I will start to feed them again...
Just one more think,becouse I think that thay received to much water last days,I thought to dont watering 2-3 days more...
What you think?

I thought only through the leaves to be fertilized...

Any advice I will appreciate

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
You are right, Only water when dirt feels dry on top few inches, or you can even keep track of how much water your plants need by picking up the containers and noticing if they feel heavy n wet or light and dry, Do Not over-water or you will have more problems.

So you have only fed your plants through the leaves? as in Foliar feeding? If so You Can and Should be feeding your plant via its root system.

Go ahead and start adding small amounts of nutes to your watering regime, feed every 2-3 watering, working your way up until you find what your plant will handle, while not over doing it, as stated above by slicky icky. I would advise Against foiliar feeding with any nutrients in the next few weeks to help your leaves recover from that nutrient burn.

Sounds like you have some research to do and mistakes to make before you get things dialed in, but thats what life is about and what we're here for right?

Best of luck and happy growing,
The Outdoorsman
Tnx Outdoorsman

I think to feed tham foliar just this days,till soil is wet...
After that I hope in 2-3 days to start whit fertilisers slowly...
I think im really missing fertilizer because it does not move,nothing...At first I thought it was a problem because they are in shock,but now is not just that,for shure.Impossible that none of them moved from the days when I flushed them,I think I flushed them all the nutrients...
Just now is problems whit water so I must to wait and after that to start feed through the roots...

Cheers mate