Prison time?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone on here has spent time in prison?

Been watching a thing on 'americas worst prison gangs'
or something like that.

:neutral: :neutral: :neutral:


Well-Known Member
ive never been to prison but my dad has, he went down for 4 years for possesion of narcotics that was found in the car that he was driving (it was his friends car) although he had to spend 4 years in jail i think it was a blessing in disguise really. i hadnt seen him in 2 years prior to his arrest, he was a crack head and just never came around. spending that 4 years in jail turned his life around, he hasnt touched any drugs since (he wont even smoke weed with me) and he got a degree in mechanics and a partial degree as an electrician which he is finishing now. oh yeah and ive seen that show and its pretty good actually i was watching it a few days ago and one of the prisons featured on the show is actually like 4 miles away from my apartment lol.


Well-Known Member
dude thats great your relationship with youu dad has turned for the better.

no i havent spent time in the slammer, however 1 time my friend who worked there (who also toked it up lol ) said it was funny to mess with some prisoners at night so it was just me and him watching prisoner swell in a plastic baggie we put weed, coke and a crack pipe and lighte rlol threw it in his cell next morning he got his ass beat down. then we took a baggie full of sugar and flower made it look like crack lol throw it during lunch time and they almost killed each over it.


Well-Known Member
not when an inmate beats up ur friend whos a cop with his own night stick......


Just some idiot
I've never been to prison but I have been in a holding cell quite a few times back in my Jager days:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I have to agree that is a dickish thing to do, plus if he's going around doing shit like that to people he deserves a good hiding.