Principals of the Founders


Well-Known Member
Principals By : TheBrutalTruth (2009-04-30 19:00:20)

"No power on earth has a right to take our property from us without our consent." - John Jay

Such a simple statement, and yet in it John Jay, who was one of the American Revolutionaries captured the essence of the reason why the revolution had started.

The American Revolution was the direct result of

1. Taxation
2. Lack of Representation
3. Violation of Property Rights (quartering soldiers in homes with out consent)
4. Tyranny (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Dictatorship)

In just those four items the reason for the revolution is explained in a nutshell, but John Jay captures all four in his simple statement.

The first of course is easily evident, government (or the State) is a power, and even if it is the legal government it can not use illegal means to confiscate wealth. Well it can (has the ability to) but it should not, due to the violation of morals and ethics taking a persons property with out their consent implies.

The second, lack of representation, is also itemized in the statement. When a government chooses to steal your money with out your consent it is fairly clear that you are not being represented by that government.

The third, Violation of Property Rights, extends to the quartering of soldiers to the act of taxation itself. Even in the modern era where taxes are collected on income property rights are still violated. The money that is stolen or taken by force from the public could have been put to use enriching their lives. This of course would spur economic development generating more jobs, leading to higher taxes (if taxes were reduced to reasonable levels.)

The fourth, Tyranny, refers not so much to the actions of a government, but the form of the government. In the case of the colonists they were rebelling against a government that was dominated by the King and his court of Nobles (The House of Nobles.)

Now, the same items ties into the modern world.

The government (US) is once again taking peoples property (income) with out their consent.

It is violating their Property Rights (as a direct result of the above).

It is marked by a period during which roughly 50% of the population is not represented, alternating with a period during which the same 50% is represented, but the other 50% is not.

And it is a tyranny dominated by the elite few.

What is ironic about the last is the fact that very few people actually recognize that this has occurred having been brainwashed by the government to believe that their interests are some how represented by some one that makes more than 10x what they do, doesn't have to worry about their retirement, and is essentially an elected slave driver elected by the very people that are enslaved.

Of course, this was not the way the founders intended the country to be governed.

They did not intend for their to be just 435 representatives. They intended that there would be at least 1,700 and quite possible as many as 10,030.

They intended for the Representatives to represent the commoners, while the Senators represented the money interests.

They did not intend for it to be impossible for some one that was not independently wealthy to be able to campaign for office as a Representative. They intended that it would be possible for any person of sufficient willingness to campaign to be a Representative.

In short, due to the actions of the "representatives" of this country in 1929 a not quite majority of the population is not adequately represented by their "representatives."

This jarring paradox becomes more apparent when one looks at a map, and realizes that many House Districts are dominated by an Urban Center that has the majority of the votes, when had the vision of the founders been upheld it is likely that the Urban Center would have been divided into many smaller House Districts, and the Urban Areas would have their own Representatives, ensuring better representation of all citizens, and doing a better job of holding true to the 1 person, 1 vote rule.

In closing, the statement made by John Jay itemized the grievances of the people that took part in the American Revolution.

"No power on earth" - No Government, or any individual

" has a right to take our property from us "- Tax/Steal

" without our consent." - Representing us, and if they are taking our property in taxes with out our consent it is very unlikely that they actually represent us. (Which means they are acting like Tyrannical.)

It also bears very well on the current state of affairs that has been pushed by both major parties since they decided to ignore the founders vision of a truly Representative House of Representatives by artificially fixing the number of seats at 435.


Well-Known Member
the principles of the founders..they would have started a war for what is going on in this country right now..
there would be politicians lawyers and judges tared and feathered in front of their homes ...


Well-Known Member
the principles of the founders..they would have started a war for what is going on in this country right now..
there would be politicians lawyers and judges tared and feathered in front of their homes ...
Probably, something along the lines of Taxation with out Representation (a recurring problem that effects both "sides" alternately), Violation of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Violation of Rights.

Though the one that is most interesting is the Taxation with out Representation. Which of course the Statists will argue is not an issue, when it is in fact an issue. It is impossible to actually argue that rural citizens are represented (their Congressional Districts are typically dominated by whatever city or cities it contains). It is also impossible to argue that either party actually truly represents the wide interests of each individual or demographics in the country.

Just because half the country votes for one or the other doesn't mean that one or the other actually represents the people that voted for it as fully as it should (and to the extent that whatever candidate it put forward would have to if the House of Representatives was at the size level that it should be 1,667|10,034 depending on how you determine it.)

It is very likely that the founders would have revolted.

Of course, at the time of the revolt many of the revolutionaries were in positions of power in the colonies and objected to the Crown interfering in their affairs and arbitrarily altering their charters.

Of course, I have yet to see any political party that actually represents everything that I'd support.

I still think we need more Representatives though, 435 is just not enough.


Well-Known Member
great read sir. the founders definitely would be turning over in their grave if they knew what was going on right now.

+ rep 2 u :hump:

old pothead

Well-Known Member
You sir are correct TBT,we the American people are being screwed by the rich.Why so they can gain more power over the rest of us.
The government has a new trick they started a few years ago around here.Eminent Domain,i look to it being used more and more in the future.OPH


Well-Known Member
You sir are correct TBT,we the American people are being screwed by the rich.Why so they can gain more power over the rest of us.
The government has a new trick they started a few years ago around here.Eminent Domain,i look to it being used more and more in the future.OPH
Well, I don't know if I'd say we are being screwed over by the rich. Being rich does not necessarily mean that they are part of the people that actually control the country.

Though I will definitely say that a characteristic of the "public servants" is that they make 10 - 20x more than the average American that they are "serving."

Elected Nobles and Kings.


Well-Known Member
great read sir. the founders definitely would be turning over in their grave if they knew what was going on right now.

+ rep 2 u :hump:
Thanks, though they might find it all freaking hillarious having decided to gamble on how long it would take for the country that they founded to lapse into an oligarchy.


Well-Known Member
You sir are correct TBT,we the American people are being screwed by the rich.Why so they can gain more power over the rest of us.
The government has a new trick they started a few years ago around here.Eminent Domain,i look to it being used more and more in the future.OPH
I have a friend who's fathers gas station was taken at 1/4 market value through "eminent domain" to build a bridge...... 28 years later... no bridge yet... what it is is eminent richer peoples wishes........


New Member
This thread is all about righties. The founding fathers were the rich dicks of their day. They founded exactly what a bunch of rich white slave owners thought a society should look like. They had some good ideas about personal freedom and the rights of citizens, But, they were mostly concerned that the Brits were taking their money. It was all about the "Benjanins", Just like today. The Population in 1776 was a paltry 2.5 million, hardly the megalopolis the USA is today. The Basic principles of the founders hold true in an individual premis, but the complexities of modern American society could not have been dreamed about in 1776. This bullshit about what the founding fathers would do is just rediculous. They would do just like all the rich folk, they would bitch about, and cheat on their taxes, own villas on caribbean islands. Jet set around the world and enjoy being rich. They'd probably be real pissed about the no slave thingy..


Well-Known Member
i bet Jefferson would have won...wait... uhh... yeah, definitely Jefferson :hump:
Yeah, probably. I think Jefferson probably had the most experience trying to get people to do something that would be good for them in the long run (abolition in Virginia) and failing to do so because of human stubborness.

One can only wonder how different the country would have been had Jefferson and the other Abolitionists been able to actually abolish Slavery before it lead to a Civil War.

Or if instead of being a bunch of tyrants the abolitionists in the North had contented themselves to continue to show that slavery was not a viable economic model by outproducing the South, and collecting more wealth...

:: shrugs ::

and if your aunt had a dick she'd be your uncle... which pretty much expresses the pointlessness of trying to ask "what if..."

Not that it still isn't entertaining.


Well-Known Member
Thats the problem now.... its one belief or the other.., what ever happened to the
large tent style that Ronald Regan (sp) envisioned.. when did the our way or..... come to be........ Oh yeah... Bush, Rove and the rights leader Limbaugh era..
its a shame actually... for a country that claims to be built on diversity it isn't diverse at all............ at least from the rights point of view.... Long live Rushs' beliefs......
you can bet the terrorists hope that anyway................


Well-Known Member
... for a country that claims to be built on diversity it isn't diverse at all............ at least from the rights point of view....
BS. Have you been to the post office or the DMV lately? Get out at all? It's more diverse than it's ever been. The Bush administration had more "diversity" in its makeup than either the Obama OR Clinton administrations. Of course they never will get any credit for that, as they were all just "tokens". Forget the fact that a black man is the friggin' PRESIDENT!!(if that's what you want to use as a barometer) In addition, this country has, and should always, be "built" by people that want to contribute and assimilate, not just take advantage of it and talk shit about it. For instance, I see NO REASON why the national language shouldn't be English. There will always be a cultural divide when the citizens don't even speak all the same language. America has people from EVERY country coming here. It's assinine to think that we should have to be the ones to learn theirs, if they're coming here.

I am sorry to hear about your relative that lost his property to "eminent domain". I think that the recent interpretation by the Supreme Court a few years back was a MAJOR fuck up as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking diversity of color..(you sound like Strom Thurman KKK).. but beliefs and acceptance of said differences..
and I live in a place where my language(english) is 18% .. I live where english/french is a rampant event... I'm talking those beliefs you guys puke over..gays...abortion..and "I don't have to be religious shit"...You've gone so far to the right that you'd eat your own young for not towing Rushs beliefs...
As I posted at another site... when your (and I'm not pro or con per se) anti abortionists talk some POOR mother out of termination of baby where are you guys with support for said baby after your photo op is done... name ONE example where you stopped an abortion and helped the mother when/if she couldn't afford the guy s would rather throw your arms out patting yourselves on your backs while that poor mothers baby starves because she can't afford it... you claim to be the party of family beliefs... how about supporting a baby YOU forced to be born...... Amercian Taliban is the Republican party..... we must dictate morals and female actions...... and if you're not religious you're an infidel.......... alla acbar.....


Well-Known Member
The founders had it damn close to perfect. But you keep hearing from statists about the need for more equality. Equal outcomes, equal benifits, equal, equal, equal. We should be worried about freedom. Freedom is the only equality there is. The problem is every political group save Libritarians wants to treat you as property, not a free person.

You are there to provide them with money so they can redistribute it to there pet group. Punish the unworthy to benift the worthy. Its the same old mantra that Stalin would be very used to. Take all the rich farmers land and colletivize it so all can benift equally from it. There really is only two political systems: statism, big government, redistributionism And Libritarianism, Thats it.

Now you want to have socialization fine go ahead start a health system of your own where you pay in 12.5% of your income into a collective pool. Just don't make me, through force, have to participate. Let me choose for myself. All you want is to take wealth so you can have what you think you deserve. If that is you, you are a thug. The problem with statists is they always run out of other peoples money to waste on their pet projects.

If you think governments are instituted to legaly take from one group to give to another group your a thug. If you think the government is there to protect your buisness from competition your a thug. If you think government exists to protect your freedom your right.

Now some will say I'm love money more then my fellow man. No, I love freedom yours and mine. Some will say I want big buisness to run everything. No I want the market to run buisness not government. I think personaly their may be something wrong with a man who wants more then he can use. But that is not my call to make. Every person should strive for the life he wants and should be allowed to.


Well-Known Member
The founders had it damn close to perfect. But you keep hearing from statists about the need for more equality. Equal outcomes, equal benifits, equal, equal, equal. We should be worried about freedom. Freedom is the only equality there is. The problem is every political group save Libritarians wants to treat you as property, not a free person.

You are there to provide them with money so they can redistribute it to there pet group. Punish the unworthy to benift the worthy. Its the same old mantra that Stalin would be very used to. Take all the rich farmers land and colletivize it so all can benift equally from it. There really is only two political systems: statism, big government, redistributionism And Libritarianism, Thats it.

Now you want to have socialization fine go ahead start a health system of your own where you pay in 12.5% of your income into a collective pool. Just don't make me, through force, have to participate. Let me choose for myself. All you want is to take wealth so you can have what you think you deserve. If that is you, you are a thug. The problem with statists is they always run out of other peoples money to waste on their pet projects.

If you think governments are instituted to legaly take from one group to give to another group your a thug. If you think the government is there to protect your buisness from competition your a thug. If you think government exists to protect your freedom your right.

Now some will say I'm love money more then my fellow man. No, I love freedom yours and mine. Some will say I want big buisness to run everything. No I want the market to run buisness not government. I think personaly their may be something wrong with a man who wants more then he can use. But that is not my call to make. Every person should strive for the life he wants and should be allowed to.

Excellent response, and I wholeheartedly agree. Huge props for a great response! +rep


New Member
Now some will say I'm love money more then my fellow man. No, I love freedom yours and mine. Some will say I want big buisness to run everything. No I want the market to run buisness not government. I think personaly their may be something wrong with a man who wants more then he can use. But that is not my call to make. Every person should strive for the life he wants and should be allowed to.

What would Jesus want. That may be a good starting place for humanity. If people acted like Jesus wanted, I'm pretty sure there would be prosperity for all. What if people treated others as they would like to be treated. That may make people get along much better. I understand these things are far from happening, but if you want to look at an Ideal society, then the above ways would certainly bring this to fruition. The sole enemy of the above is the: I/Ego/Id which runs rampant in the current societies on planet earth.


Well-Known Member
True words MM.... there is no us(plural, not partisan) anymore..... and any society/group will be judged on its weakest people..........


Well-Known Member
Now some will say I'm love money more then my fellow man. No, I love freedom yours and mine. Some will say I want big buisness to run everything. No I want the market to run buisness not government. I think personaly their may be something wrong with a man who wants more then he can use. But that is not my call to make. Every person should strive for the life he wants and should be allowed to.

What would Jesus want. That may be a good starting place for humanity. If people acted like Jesus wanted, I'm pretty sure there would be prosperity for all. What if people treated others as they would like to be treated. That may make people get along much better. I understand these things are far from happening, but if you want to look at an Ideal society, then the above ways would certainly bring this to fruition. The sole enemy of the above is the: I/Ego/Id which runs rampant in the current societies on planet earth.
Now that is an excellent Question Med.

Just what would Jesus Want?

First off, let's take a look at the kind of behaviors exhibited by Jesus. Jesus was never one that used force, except when it came to dealing with those that were defiling the temple (Money Changers and Traders that were actually conducting business inside the temple.)

He wasn't angry at them because they were operating businesses. He was angry at them because they were doing it inside the Temple. Of course, imo, he probably should have used force against the people that were permitting them to conduct their business at the temple, but that's unrelated to this post.

Then there's the fact that when he went around performing miracles he didn't ask for anything in return. He did not demand that people sell their soul to him, or surrender their belongings to him.

Not once do you see him mentioning anything along the lines of Dialectic Materialism. The most he says is that it will be more difficult for a rich man to get into heaven than to draw (was it all his wealth) through the eye of a needle.

Not once did he state that he was going to force people to strive to reach Heaven. He didn't once state that you weren't human if you weren't striving to reach heaven.

When one of his followers used force against some one that didn't believe in reaching heaven he reproached his follower and healed the non-believer.

Nothing inside of Jesus' actions can be used to justify using coercion, force, fraud, and any other method to force people to support you, your beliefs of your ideology.

More importantly is the fact that Jesus' actions were voluntary. No one else was forcing him to do these things. There was no earthly power that was compelling him against his will. So, an additional conclusion that can be reached is that when any government, faith or person attempts to coerce others into being "charitable." they are acting in a way that is Anti-Christ, or in a way that Christ would not condone.

In essence, while it is admirable to desire that humanity some how magically reach the point where we're all a bunch of saints that don't sin, it is not admirable to use force or fraud to try reaching that goal.

The ends do not justify the means. Corrupt Means Defile the ends they are used to achieve.