Prices On Snow? In The Midwest Or Chicago Area


so im not really into the whole drug thing too much, i grow weed and smoke it maybe a month out of every 4-5 months, but i got some snow last night for the first time in 2 years and iw as wonderin the actual prices on it in the chicago area? i know gram for gram its what 40-80 depending if it actually cooks up or not, and 120-160 for a ball, and 560-1200 for a zone depending on the dealer, but im confused how much is 7 grams or 14 grams on average for street prices in chicago? estimates like how i put 40-80 on the gram or 120-160 on the ball is what im lookin for, im pretty curious on this. or even in any area if people have input just lookin for some knowledge on the subject so im more informed for future reference not like im gonna be dealin or bangin 7 gram rocks haha


Active Member
perhaps this is better suited to a different forum??? just one man talkin here, but seriously, this is a weed forum, not cokeheads anonymous...


New Member
hey luda i seen u sent me more rep and since it was on this thread i thought it was good place to share your encouraging words haha and if u havent learned yet everytime u have tried u end up the one banned u just never seem to learn and all the people u mention on my ass is just u with your 50+ fake troll accounts get a life and earn to grow heard it is calming

  • 06-24-2011 03:10 AM

    Thread: prices on snow? in the...
    I am telling you now you better fuck right off this site as i have people all over your ass. Who do you think got the doc banned ? yes me and when that ban hammer comes down we are both getting hit but i will see you off this site for good asshole.


New Member
and it seems u dont know when to duck when that hammer is swinging as u keep getting hit and i still am here on riu bet that is what keeps u going
and btw why u telling storyies and taking credit for doc he didnt get banned he took a break i guess if i dont log on everyday u will say u got me too haha


Well-Known Member
Philly and surrounding suburbs.
eight balls are up and down from 120-170 I always let them go for 170 and it was always fire
330 1/4
650 1/2
1-1200 oz
3800 for a eighth a kilo

I've also had very pure raw shit that could drop a seasoned crackhead,prices for that shit are double what I just posted.
get out crack head lol
Crack and coke are way different #1. #2 Don't judge people because their opinions on drugs are different than yours. A mind altering substance is a mind altering substance and everyone makes their own choices. In the correct forum or not if you do not wish to contribute because of personal beliefs on drugs or your belief in forum classification then don't answer.

I honestly don't have a clue on the price and have never bought coke, but it really wasn't much of a leap than pot for me and pot is 100x more addicting to me.