Pretty hard on your knee's buying government weed.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
You gonna get Blisters on your knee's bowing over to trudy to buy his hypocrit mold weed.
They give free knee pads with every 7 grams
Why does it suck so bad and why is black market so much better?
You must be young. Imagine it this way. Since you were a young lad I punched, kicked, arrested, destroyed, harassed, stole, legally screwed you over, ruined your family, profited from hurting you, stopped you from travelling, stole your property, gave you a record, prevented others hiring you, took your money etc etc etc. All for some reason that now I've decided I'd like to profit from.
C'mon...wake up man.
It's all in the title. You buy legal you're a paid knee dropping yes boy.
They're not even sorry.......just greedy.
You must be young. Imagine it this way. Since you were a young lad I punched, kicked, arrested, destroyed, harassed, stole, legally screwed you over, ruined your family, profited from hurting you, stopped you from travelling, stole your property, gave you a record, prevented others hiring you, took your money etc etc etc. All for some reason that now I've decided I'd like to profit from.
C'mon...wake up man.
It's all in the title. You buy legal you're a paid knee dropping yes boy.
They're not even sorry.......just greedy.
Oh Yes, all of that! That is true. No doubt. Assholes who deserve forced Anal, no doubt.

My question was more about the quality though. Like whycome with cagillions of dollhairs they can't get their shit together and sell weed comparable to my weed, or your weed...or tom-dick-and-harrys-weed.
And to top it off I hear Canada finds homegrown stuff alarming. That's how they will make growing illegal again
It's the only way the government can make money and sell shit. The next step after making growing illegal is to put some heavy fines on growers
Salutations Conservative,

We got alarms...

Be patient, there may be one more alarm triggered just next month in the justice case of Christian Gilbert, which could actually represent some bad news even in non-French parts of Canada where jurisprudence shall potentially reach *ALL* citizens, despite barriers like language and parliaments, with no absolute tranquility of mind possible while self-serving politicians already wish the pendulum to return its bigot prohibitionist side again...

IMHO that was flawed strategy to let the other camp divide cannabis consumers as "medical" vs "criminal", etc. The 1867 loop-hole trick only delayed an inevitable battle remaining to be claimed, imagine conquered!... And this is about our individual rights to a fair sense of proportionality when dealing with "society", ideally free of mis-guided 3rd-party (predatory) interference if one asks me!!

Briefly put Dana Larsen sure made sense to me when he managed to get some mass-media into publishing such bold "activist" demand(s):
Canadian pot smokers deserve an apology (2016-Nov-2)

M'well, it seemed somewhat provocative at the time, and yet so right. Just too bad this ain't from CNN and nobody remembers ~4 years later...

Good day, have fun!! :peace: