Preparing my hole for something big


Well-Known Member
Some big Berry OG Kush :weed:

So this is a spot that gets a lot of morning midday sun, and shade in the afternoon, next to a fence so i thought why not get it started so its ready and rotted down in a few months, and try to grow some berry og kush when season starts here soon.

So far all ive done is dig two holes in the heavy clay soil that was dug out of a dam and put there years ago, before the fence, so its going to need some improving

i got a bag of seaweed pellets and gypsum, that im goin g to start mixing in the clay,

I've started some FPJ, with excess leaf material in a 44 gal drum :weed:

feel free to add any other suggestions as to what would be good in there, to let the worms at for the next few months, would be great, thanks,
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Well-Known Member
I saw the title and was scared of what I might see!(LOL). I’d dig out a lot of the clay and then mix in a lot of compost, perlite, bone meal, dolomite ,silicon (DE) would work and some manure. Great planning, since you’ve got months to let it cook. I’m sure there’s some good soil recipes on-line, and I know I’ve missed stuff, hopefully others will respond.


Well-Known Member
I think clay is shit i wouldnt mix blocks water movement...
Depending on what type you have could be usefull to the plant but i would leave it at the bottom plant would use it in flower


Well-Known Member
I saw the title and was scared of what I might see!(LOL). I’d dig out a lot of the clay and then mix in a lot of compost, perlite, bone meal, dolomite ,silicon (DE) would work and some manure. Great planning, since you’ve got months to let it cook. I’m sure there’s some good soil recipes on-line, and I know I’ve missed stuff, hopefully others will respond.
yeah i was trying to think of a better tittle, i changed it around a few times in my head (they just got worse) and then stuck with what my original thought was.

its clay as far as i dig down, not sure if i can do much more except few handfulls of gypsum and fertilizer and some mulch to start things off decomposing
The plant will send down a massive tap root much deeper than the hole i have fluffed up and mixed with seaweed and gypsum into, so im hoping whatever i mix in now will eventually leach down and improve the clay down a bit deeper, I'll be adding the FPJ soon as its ready, so im just trying to build up the soil, over time in that spot.

worms i need more worms, im thinking a bale of pea straw might be good start as mulch and dug in a bit for the worms,
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Well-Known Member
Damn, I got clickbaited. Anyway, if you're waiting several months anyway, maybe you should consider cover crops? With a small layer of hay on top, as other have suggested.