Preparing for 1st flowering


I have clones in three stages from this plant. Also when it was a month old i bent all of the main stems. I read inthe book ClosetCultivator by EdRosenthal that two weeks in to flowering, i should prune or cut off the growing tips . Im gonna secure each of the 5 stems to the stakes. Each of the stems have lots and lots of foilage from the cloning. Questions: To Anyone who does or has pruned their plant's tips during flowering, what is the purpose behind this?, is it for plant growth? , better bud devolpment? I don't want this to get bigger than in a normal Flower-growth phase. While i want big bud I don't know if this should grow anymore considering it's in a squat contianer and my limited experience. And what excess do I trim? when should i start trimming all the small branches? any other usable advice or guidance within the site is welcomed and greatly appreciated. thank you