Premixing ro/nute water


Well-Known Member
Run your filter to a large tank like a 30 gallon drum. Put a pressure float near the top and set it to fill the tank off ro filter. Put a fitting in bottom side to connect a valve and hose. Set tank on pedestal of 16" blocks.

Pop an airstone in it if you want.

Use another tank or bucket to mix nutes for your system. Get them ph and ppm happy before putting in system.

Using a float in your reservoir can keep your system topped off between changeouts

I use a 300 gallon vertical storage tank to store my RO water. I mix nutrients in a 30 gallon drum.


Well-Known Member
Yes, float in controller / reservoir set properly will maintain levels if float has adequate supply.

Note, if roots clog a recirculating dwc return line you will overflow a plant site. Use 3/4" returns and add an overflow line to a drain. If you see a big change in water consumption check for clog and remedy.