
I just sexed my plants,all we're female,yay. Ive read all you need to do to sex a plant is look for the long white hair,which are difinatly present. this is a preflower,right? so,ewhere else I read said you have to flower the plant inorder to sex it, that means the preflower. Now if I have a PREFLOWER, is my plant still in veg state or budding(flowering) stage?


Here is a good comparison of male and female preflowers.

Sometimes preflowers appear on their own during veg, even under 24 hour light, and if that's the case then great news for all girls, and keep going as planned.

If you changed to a flowering light cycle to force them to show sex, then you put them into the first part of budding when they really stretch for light one last time before focusing on getting fat. You can go back to veg as long as they don't flower for too long. Expect a temporary slowing or possibly no growth as they adjust back to veg. When possible you should take clones and sex them in their own box/room to avoid stressing the mother and slowing her growth.