Pre-packaging flower?


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to prebag cannabis for storage? Like in 3.5g bags etc and just heat seal them. Or will the buds eventually dry out from that?

I’m not sure how dispos work, do they just freshly bag/jar cannabis with each order or do they keep everything mostly prepackaged already?
There is a way, it’s being done.

But if you haven’t invested $20-30 in those nifty little hydrometers and humidity control packs (or fancier), I would.

The old norm was they weighed it out of a jar in front of you. In the last few years, and maybe the cov didn’t help, it’s predominatly pre packed/sealed jars, with a sample usually available/opened.

pros and cons to both. I do believe the pre-packed has improved the quality in many ways, maybe the most relevant here is in the “cure”. Most packers know the state the product is at in the cure, and when they seal it they are counting on it being sealed until the customer opens it in 3-days or 3-months.

But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows. Popular strains/growers I find are good but sometimes better if I cure myself a little longer (the curse and blessing of having a high demand), but this is not a new problem, just the same old problem now in the lap of the packagers (and for the retailer/distributor on the front-line with the customers, a very welcomed one I’d bet). But on the other side of the spectrum, they will add the humidity control packs too, condition pending. And there is staying on top of the samples too, nothing intentionally shady, just human/stoner. I dgaf if it’s a 6-week old sample from 2 harvests ago, but I have had to point out more than a few times (as a kind FYI to a bud tender who knows I’m not an asshole) when the sample starts pushing a little or over thrice beyond that.

/end babling-while-bong-bogarting