PPM questions

My nutrients (Medi-one) have suggested PPM at the bottom of the feed chart.

1. Are these PPMs to feed with or are they PPMs for runoff and to keep in the soil?
2. If on a plain water feed, runoff PPM is low, let's say 400-500 for a flowering plant, should I add nutes to increase runoff PPM or wait until the next watering with nutes?
3. Should I measure first runoff PPM or last runoff? This is for PH as well.

Thanks in advance for your answers!
The recommended ppms are to feed with, but be careful because they are usually on the high side in order to make you use the product quicker. If your runoff is low, just wait till the next feeding to adjust it, but be careful because runoff isnt always an accurate picture of what's happening in your medium-when you feed, be sure to allow for plenty of runoff to help clear the medium of any buildup. I'm not really sure what you mean by first and last runoff-I might check it a couple of times per grow, once you're dialed in you won't need to check it-for PH, you can test the runoff but it might not be accurate-look up how to do a "slurry test" to get a better picture. Good luck!
As far as first run off, what I mean is the water that comes out first, before the rest that drips into the pan. Last runoff would be the last drips that come out after being watered. It seems the PPM is fairly accurate because as you flush the PPMs come down with the more water that is added.
Runoff will not tell you the soils ppm, you cannot flush or get a reading on organic content and anything with charge may decide to stick to other ions or the soils cation and not flush out.

Same for pH.
My nutrients (Medi-one) have suggested PPM at the bottom of the feed chart.

1. Are these PPMs to feed with or are they PPMs for runoff and to keep in the soil?
2. If on a plain water feed, runoff PPM is low, let's say 400-500 for a flowering plant, should I add nutes to increase runoff PPM or wait until the next watering with nutes?
3. Should I measure first runoff PPM or last runoff? This is for PH as well.

Thanks in advance for your answers!
What are you growing in?