PPM Question


Active Member
Hello all my question is, i am running an ebb and flow system at my house and i have pretty pure well water (50 ppm) well i was having some cal/mag issues so i bought calmag + i read on the internet that i should add the calmag to my resevoir until it reads 200 ppm well my point is my plants need to be at about 500 ppm so im not sure if i need to bring my water to 200 and THEN add 500ppm of nutes or do i need to only put 300 ppm of nutes to bring the total to 500, thank you in advance!


Active Member
well imho. i would follow the direction of the nutes you are using. i use cutting edge solution and they have a great easy to use and understand feeding chart and nute calculater. check it out at cuttingedgesolutions.org and they tell you exactly what ppm's and what you ec should be after you add your nutes. one thing i also love with cutting edge is that there is a ph buffer added to them so it adjusts your ph to 6.5 instantly. the also offer a cal mag that calls for just 2ml per gallon of water. so i dont know if you can find your answer there but it might get you a little closer to understanding it hope it helps


Well-Known Member
Add the cal-mag to 200 and then add your nutes on top of them till ya hit 500. I mix full strengh and then add water to bring the ppms down to what I want and then ph. Hope this helps