Power outage please help


Active Member
Where I am staying there was a
Snow storm on yesterday and it knocked the power out at 4pm. At that time my room would have been dark anyway but would have woke back up at 8pm. The room is usually between 74-78 degrees with about 55% humidity. It's is now 6:30 am and they are still in the dark because of the outage. The current temp inside the house is 62 degrees and still no power and no backup power. I checked the plants and they look great. First question would be is it bad for them to have been in the dark so long? Then next question is how long can they survive with the temp in the house going down?


Well-Known Member
Where I am staying there was a
Snow storm on yesterday and it knocked the power out at 4pm. At that time my room would have been dark anyway but would have woke back up at 8pm. The room is usually between 74-78 degrees with about 55% humidity. It's is now 6:30 am and they are still in the dark because of the outage. The current temp inside the house is 62 degrees and still no power and no backup power. I checked the plants and they look great. First question would be is it bad for them to have been in the dark so long? Then next question is how long can they survive with the temp in the house going down?
Are they Vegging or Flowering? You would want to try to keep it above 60 degrees, to prevent mold. There is not much you could do with power outage unless your able to start a bonfire lol.


Well-Known Member
extra dark is no problem, Coleman makes a safe for indoor propane heater that will run for 16 hours on a one pound cylinder. Bearcat I believe they call them. If they get close to freezing they may go into shock but recover.


If you have hydrogen peroxide or guardian angel you could dose with some to help prevent any mold before it started....Wrapping plant bases with bubblewrap or insulation jackets of some sort cud help if it becomes obvious you have to go another day and your getting worried on low temps. You cud cut your fans and allow abient temps to remain more stable or drop slower unless smell is a concern. You cud go to a hire service and rent a protable yamaha genny especially if its a neighborhood wide outage this might depend on how friendly you were with neighbors or if you would worry rolling up with one. Just do your best and hope for the best. The longest ive ever gone wa just short of 2 days due to a blown ballast. I learned my lesson i bought a backup. If I hit a power outage though I would probably be staring at the same problems. I would opt for the generator if you can physically get out to pick one up im sure even normal households would be considering the same after a few days without modern convienences.