Power failure


Active Member
Hey all,

My area has been having quite a few power cuts recently. My girls are week three into flower and over the last week they've been getting about 5 hours of light a day. Should I let the timer just turn the lights on when the power comes back on? At the moment they get about an hour before a 2-3 hour power cut then it comes back on for about the same amount of time. What are the chances of me getting hermes? It is also winter which doesn't help as my temps are dropping to about 15C. One of the joys of living in a third world country. any advice?



Well-Known Member
Buy a generator? You situation is less than ideal and with power going in and out, there's not much you can do other than move your stuff outside. Though you mentioned it's winter so that's probably not an option.


Active Member
Haha Ya iv actually been thinking about getting a generator! but then again the costs are pretty high. Just got to hope the power stays on. Do you know anything about the chances of my girls becoming hermes because of lack of light?


Active Member
hopefully it will fix soon i had a scare similar where i got a full day and a half of darkness due to power failure
but they turned out fine so i think ur good


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but I'd closely watch your plant/s, the repeated light cycle mix ups very well could cause problems for you. If u have to go and take them out of the closet and sit them by a window or something when its supposed to be lights on time, at least then the dark/light period will be consistent.


Well-Known Member
Yeah multiple fuck ups of the lighting system can (and will) stress your plants. If it keeps up there is a good chance your plants will turn hermie. Watch them very close for signs of bananas. If you see em just start plucking them off very carefully.

As stated earlier If you can get a generator that will solve your problems. It shouldnt be too expensive to run unless you run it all day. Just use it when the powers out