Hello Fellow Growers and Newbies. (I myself am a newbie) of growing that is. My plant has been through Serious stress related situations. She came into this world on a 12/12 cycle because I planted her outside. Here in the south the weather changed drastically faster than usual and I had to put her inside. I didnt know what else to do but keep her on the same light cycle that she was on outside. Something told me she was waaay to little to be flowering at 10 weeks and being only 7 inches tall ? So I came here. To fun help in which I have recieved a great deal and I now have my baby BACK to re-vegging she grew in height I'm feeding her miracle grow (flower food) and after my efforts to make her a good sized plant she came down with Powedry Mildew.... Dun dun dun.
MIT broke my heart and now I'm Kinda freaking out on how to make it go away . My plant looks droopy as if I'm over watering? Or she's not getting enough light. Which she is she's on 24/0 cycle now. Until she's a good size . I used the remedy of baking soda and 2 drops of Dawn dish soap and less than a cap full of vegetable oil. This is all stuff I read in other forums. NOW. Can I have some 1 on 1 advice from anybody in reference to my decisions on her cure for the mildew? Was I suppose to spray her with the lights off? An turn off the fan? I've also noticed what looks like I put a flame to her leave tips? But I haven't of course so what does it all mean? Help please (:



Well-Known Member
For mildew/mold always use Hydrogen Peroxide. It works every time.
Second, give the plant a 18/6 light cycle and let her chill for a while. 24/0 will only stress it out more, believe it or not.
I'm not sure how often you water, but don't water again until the soil feels dry. Overwatering is no bueno.


Thanks for the advice! (: most deff will use peroxide ! And her light cycle wil surely but slowly progress to 18/6