Powdery Mold? Or Water drops from greenhouse?

This is my dads plant he has in a greenhouse covered in some old vapor barrier plastic. These 3 were over top one another on the plant (ie water could get on the whole 3 at once from a single leak or moisture drip) and it's the only place on the plant he sees this.


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I picked this test up reading the forum, don't know of it's validity.

Take a drop of Iso Alcohol and drop it on the white patch. If the white washes away it's not powdery mildew, if it doesn't you've got PM.


I picked this test up reading the forum, don't know of it's validity.

Take a drop of Iso Alcohol and drop it on the white patch. If the white washes away it's not powdery mildew, if it doesn't you've got PM.


Well if that is valid he's got PM. I put a drop on each spot and when it dried the white patch was still there. He's got 1 plant at 4 weeks of 7-8 and 2 others at 2 1/2 weeks of 8. Any suggestions on what he can do at this point? Before the plants were flowering he had some heat issues but has fixed that issue now and has lots of air flow but no doubt that would be where it started.

If you're from the states I'd order a bottle of Dr Zymes Amazing Eliminator and soak the plants.


I've read of growers having good results with a baking soda, dish detergent, water solution.

I've done a Sulfer burn in the 3rd week of flower and got clean tents, tried a hydrogen peroxide bath with poor results, bought a UVC light and covered the plants and tent.


Do you have a magnifying scope? If you look at the spots with 60-100x zoom you'll be able to make out the powdery mildew.

Quick update! It wasn't PM, I was in his greenhouse when a drop of water leaked thru and landed on a leaf. I marked the leaf and went back after it had dried and it looked just like the photo. Also I tried the Iso Alcohol on it and it didn't wash off so the validity of that test is now up in the air. lol