powdery mildew


Active Member
I have a few a clones and i'm having some humidity issues, my mental floss keep getting powdery mildew on the leaves. I've heard using neem oil works, I'm 2 weeks into flowering so I don't know if I should spray down the whole plant. Somehow it feels like if i drench all the leaves, it will contribute to more mildew, I just can't see how drenching it with more liquid can help with the humidity. I've been tihnking about doing a small neem to water ratio, putting a little dishsoap and then spreading it on the infected parts with a paintbrush.. will this work do you think? Also, is it bad to keep cutting off the fan leaves that are infected, as in does it stress the plant to cut its fan leaves during flowering? plz help thx


Active Member
I have a few a clones and i'm having some humidity issues, my mental floss keep getting powdery mildew on the leaves. I've heard using neem oil works, I'm 2 weeks into flowering so I don't know if I should spray down the whole plant. Somehow it feels like if i drench all the leaves, it will contribute to more mildew, I just can't see how drenching it with more liquid can help with the humidity. I've been tihnking about doing a small neem to water ratio, putting a little dishsoap and then spreading it on the infected parts with a paintbrush.. will this work do you think? Also, is it bad to keep cutting off the fan leaves that are infected, as in does it stress the plant to cut its fan leaves during flowering? plz help thx
If the PM came recently I'd think you could use a SAFE fungicide via foliar spray and that should do the trick.

You may have to spray the affected areas every 5-6 days... depending upon the extent of the collection of PM on the leaves.

DONT cut those fan leaves. Just dont... Yes, it will stress the plant. Spray them with a solution mixed with water(I used one by Safergro called "Mildew Cure"),
shake 'em a bit, and get some good ventilation goin on... I kept a fan faced directly at them each time I sprayed PM affected plants (in the flowering stage)
and that seemed to solve the problem.

And yeah if your problem is minor, I'd think the dishsoap and paintbrush method could work.

good luck.


Active Member
alright thanks alot, the neem and dishsoap thing is working wonders, but its only treating the problem. I've attacked the problem at the core and I am currently waiting on my dehumdifier which should be here in the next couple days. Unfortunetly im seeing this hours after i cut off 2 fan leaves, Im sure it will probably be ok, maybe stress it a tiny bit but they were low, not really doing a whole lot anyway. The cutting of the leaves that I was talking about before has discontinued due to the neem oil's success, i just happened to cut off another 2 on my purps plant. Neem definetly seems to be the way to go as far as treatment, and I hope to god the dehumdifier will save my beautiful buds.