Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor


Active Member
So I split 7 gallons of fresh nute mix on the carpet in my place. Forgot to put the hose back in my res...well none leaked through to the apt. below so I thought my problems were over........Nope. My RH went up to over 80 percent for the next 4 days as I had to have the door open to the outside to let it dry up. Well I noticed a slight amount of powder mildew. Like 5 spots on 18 plants. No biggie I figured. I got some baking soda and sprayed em down per what ya find on here and it did nothing....my RH was back to a nice 40 to 55 depending on the day. So I got some Seranade as the spots went from 5 to 50 in a day and a half....coated evey leaf by hand top and bottom of 18 plants that are 3.5 feet plus and in second week of flower (trust me this sucked....The stuff held it at bay for a couple of days. any bud sites that got hit with the spray had pistules that dried up and turned brown about 25% of each flower that got hit with seranade I would say. about 80% of those came back most of the way and you can barely see a burn through a 30 x loop. well the PM came back full force.... I have 6 green cush that the PM are just loving....6 Deep Chunk x Strawberry Couch that only have about 10 leaves affected and 6 Hindu Skunk that have about 10 leaves affected...I didnt want to trim the big fan leaves that feed the flower sites so I didnt trim. I have 3 ocilating fans and 4 small clip on fans. .....

Well here I am today I was about to buy a Sulfer Vap and do a burn but I am scared it will leak trought the walls and smell up the apt below. (If someone has done this please reply with results) Today I trimmed the green cush bottoms about 1/4 up from the base....I trimmed of bad leaves in various spot..... and now I used a fungaflor bomb. I trimmed of the lip that makes it stay on and manually sprayed it in the air for about 20 seconds in the room and left it dark with everything unplugged. I'm going to air out the room 4 hours later and will let you know what happens. I talked with a guy that did this and he said it fixed everything, but saw nothing on these boards....WISH ME LUCK.... And tarp your grow room floor so you can clean up spills........I will let ya know how it goes.
all looks good so far, some stress from clipping but it seems the spead has stopped. today i'm going to wipe off the leaves.....
Well the plants I trimmed allot seem to be looking much better this afternoon. My ph dropped real low so I mixed up a gallon of nutes for each and raised it back to 5.9. I will change all waters tomorrow and will flush with fresh water b4 i do. No spread today and no leaves fell off. I will look at my b4, today and tomorrow morning close up pics to see if it is spreading. I trimmed of all the bad leaves and wiped all other afected leave with seranade again today. I'm going to hit all the plants with hi 8 plus ph water tommorow right as lights go out. I trimmed a few more of the smaller branches off the healthy plants to improve airflow. I will say my big mistake was overcrowding and not trimming.....1 more note. the GC is in sure to grow, the SCxDC is in sure to grow and not affected much. the HS is in Hygrowton/crushed coconut shells and they only had a little but their ph acually went up......
noticed about 5 spots that came back, will clip em and hit with hi PH water as the lights go out. think i will fog again the day after this isf some still around....
I soaked all the plants with a heavy mist of hi ph 8.5 plus water right after lights out. I got up this morning and bahhmmmm....Its all gone. I mean gone gone. There are a couple of spots on lower leafs that I'm sure i missed. I'm gunna hit them now as they are in shade. I will keep this up to date as I'm sure this will help others.....

If I got PM again I would

1. Cut and remove leaves at the first sign. better to cut 10 fan leaves than loose 100 and have to trim the bottom all the way off

2. I would trim up the bottom of my plants to keep good airflow.

3. serande burns your buds. be carful with it.

4. baking soda doesnt do much.

5. fungaflor TR works but keep in mind. that bomb is for 1000 ft of floor space. my room is about 12' x 12' = 144 ft. I modified the can and sprayed for about 25 seconds right at lights out and turned of everything in the room. 4 hours later I vented to room and turned on fans and filters.

6. spray your room down with a good mist of hi ph water to clean stuff up. right at lights out.

7. keep an eye on ph. I have replaced nutes 2 times since this started as i feel all this Baking soda, seranade, bomb and hi ph water get in my reses

I'll keep ya updated..
Well all is good. I had a few leaves on the bottoms dry up and fall off. no pm anywhere.

I never fogged again as i dont need to.

they got over the stress and are growing fast again. I gained about 20% on the buds in 1 day.

I am happy that i wont have to spray or do anything else. I'm keeping the RH as low at around 45/50.

all the flower leaves are getting covered in trichs real heavy now, I got this covered just in time and feel it would have ruined my meds if it came at this time.
Congrats on your clean-up. The great Jorge Cervantes himself has admittedly lost LOTS of crop to powdery mold. Glad you got it sorted.

REMEMBER!!! Once you've had it, it can always come back!! You never know wher a spore may be hiding1 BE CAREFUL!! After this harvest, I would give the room a bleach-water bath. Even if only profilacticly.
I run 1 month apart. clones, 1 part of room on 18/6 for 1 month, pvc divider then teens and grownup in same room on 12/12. I'm using seranade on my smaller stuff to prevent the pm and keepin RH good. i'll keep this post up to date. I hope it helps people I had a hard time figuring out how to handle.

If you are reading this because ya just spotted a tiny bit. get on it ASAP.....

my ph was dropping like a rock. reses were clouding up. i think seranade caused or it was just timming bacteria to build up. I added h2o2 today and will let you know...........
Damn, that stuff worked wonders... my plants are on fire with growth. I used 1/2 the strength recomended. I harvested my GC today. they looked and smelled perfect. I'm glad I work out of the house and had the time to tackle my problems correct. h2o2 will be part of my program from now on......
The gc was described as some of the best they had ever seen at my local disp. The HS has been a huge hit and was well sought after. The Dcx SC was low in THC. Its all on the leaves as I grabed 7grams of clean bubble of each ounce of trim. The DC did put you fast asleep though. Since this time the PM came back on my new round and i knocked it down with 1 treatment of baking soda and 10+ ph water with no ill affects at all......I use the mix 1 night. the hi ph the next at around 9.....good luck. To those that say pM is death . I say you must grow in a small tent. If you grow in a huge room ya just gota learn how to deal. i got spider mites for Christmas.......UGGGGG. I was at my supply shop and remember a guy saying he need a bomb for spider mites....I had em good 1.5 weeks later. unless you live on the moon its just part of the fun........attached is a pic of the top 1/4 of the HS. I guess I shoulda thrown this away? NOT


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Thanks for the info, have a similar battle on my hands right now. So seranade and ph'd water at 8 will do it? What kind of fogger did you buy?
Thanks for the info, have a similar battle on my hands right now. So seranade and ph'd water at 8 will do it? What kind of fogger did you buy?

I would say try baking soda per what you see on here and high ph water at lights out. then just hi ph water the next day.. use filtered water for sure the second day to wash of the baking soda. If it doesnt work try fungaflor. DO NOT SET THAT WHOLE BOMB OFF OR YOU WILL KILL ALL YOUR PLANTS!!!!! I cut the rib that locks it off and gave a 10 to 15 second spray. (over 6 plants under each 600 wattt hps) (turn all electrics off or boom!!!) air our 4 hours later and dont breath that shit. take a shower and wash clothes. Dont use this shit if you are super close to harvest. poison is poison.......but think about it. If I drink booze do i have booze in my body forever.........I was 3 weeks out and did a 4 day sugar wash and a 4 day purified water wash at the end and got nice smooth medicine. hope that helps
Damn i had to sell my 27 Dodge. I miss all my cars and bikes.......someday soon i will be able to start some new builds.......


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