Powdery Mildew! Please give advice


I bought some organic fungicide stuff not sure if its ok to use! But my baby looks so ugly! She has white spots on her leaves now and she is in re-vegging stage (due to a mix up in her light cycle) I have her back on track but now I have THIS problem. Anyone got some advice? Is the spray I'm GOING to use harmful? I haven't used it yet I need advice.
It's called GARDEN SAFE *for organic gardening but the warnif label says its
harmful if inhaled (as a spray) but WTH does that mean for my plant? How do I get rid of this mildew on her? And FAST.



Well-Known Member
The problem with PM is that it just doesn't come out of nowhere-- your conditions, such as humidity and air movement, create an environment for it to thrive. The PM can be treated with milk..the most diluted I have read is 1 part milk to 9 parts water and all the way up to 60% milk and 40% water. Neem oil also has anti-fungal properties, I believe. For any sort of long term solution, you need to need to fix the variables in your environment that are causing it to be there in the first place.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
I would use a lighter soil mix and try lowering the humidity. By lighter soil mix I mean I would add 35-40% perlite to what you are using. The spray shouldn't hurt the plant.


Well-Known Member
I think that's just neem oil. you need a systemic fungicide to kill pm. anything with myclobutanil should work. only safe to use in veg tho.


Well-Known Member
I might add the container looks huge in relation to the seedling, like he says mix up a loose perlite mixture and I suggest a lot smaller pot for now, it's like putting you sweet little self in a size 10 LOL , good luck