Powdery mildew on White Widow clones 2 weeks in.

Trash them? I got them free from a random guy in MN. Thanks.
Bad clone or bad grower?


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It started 6 hours after I put my back up humidifier
In the tent. Grrrr can't find Anymore clones in my area I'm hesitant to order any online.
Any recommendations on a online seedbanks or clones in Minneapolis?‍♂️ Thanks
It started 6 hours after I put my back up humidifier
In the tent. Grrrr can't find Anymore clones in my area I'm hesitant to order any online.
Any recommendations on a online seedbanks or clones in Minneapolis?‍♂ Thanks
they must have come with mildew on them if there baught clones, change clone supplier,
I was never overly anxious about powdery mildew until I was unknowingly exposed to it in my bedroom for a few weeks. The mycotoxins attacked my nervous system. I woke up with headaches at first and later it felt like someone had taken a hammer to both my legs while I slept. I had to stop exercising. Suddenly my blood test showed high ALT levels meaning my liver was being damaged. I'm afraid to turn on the heat or air in the house right now because I'm afraid I haven't gotten it all out of the air handler. I'm happy when the temps drop below 60 because that breaks the fungus' reproductive cycle and I feel safer cleaning the air handler.

DO NOT expose yourself to powdery mildew.

It's very hard to control in FL due to constant high humidity. I first make sure the grow space is clean using H2O2. I also use Regalia early on and periodically spray the ladies alternating between solutions of potassium carbonate and milk water. I use white sheets for reflection now because the mildew flourished where buds touched the tent wall. Powdery mildew is the devil.
I was never overly anxious about powdery mildew until I was unknowingly exposed to it in my bedroom for a few weeks. The mycotoxins attacked my nervous system. I woke up with headaches at first and later it felt like someone had taken a hammer to both my legs while I slept. I had to stop exercising. Suddenly my blood test showed high ALT levels meaning my liver was being damaged. I'm afraid to turn on the heat or air in the house right now because I'm afraid I haven't gotten it all out of the air handler. I'm happy when the temps drop below 60 because that breaks the fungus' reproductive cycle and I feel safer cleaning the air handler.

DO NOT expose yourself to powdery mildew.

It's very hard to control in FL due to constant high humidity. I first make sure the grow space is clean using H2O2. I also use Regalia early on and periodically spray the ladies alternating between solutions of potassium carbonate and milk water. I use white sheets for reflection now because the mildew flourished where buds touched the tent wall. Powdery mildew is the devil.
You do realize that pm spores are everywhere you inhale them 24 hrs a day. Unless your in cloud's of it i dont think its attacking your liver.
PM is not systemic, so you can theoretically cut off the infected parts and be in the clear.

However, if you don't correct the environmental factors which caused it (not sure if it started at your place or the place you got it from), it's going to come right back.
100% correct looks like it came in on the clones even neem oil will kill it at this point easy peasy If its in the grow environment unchecked well thats a problem. No need to trash those plants PM is very easy to deal with, Many household items Milk,Baking soda, Citric acid, Ho2o to name a few will kill PM.
Yea don't want It to infect your whole room if you gotta keep take em out and spray with water and hydrogen peroxide every couple days and bleach and clean room. then every once in awhile just some milk and water spray for preventative.
It started 6 hours after I put my back up humidifier
In the tent. Grrrr can't find Anymore clones in my area I'm hesitant to order any online.
Any recommendations on a online seedbanks or clones in Minneapolis?‍♂ Thanks
I just saw this post just a thought, The pics of the pm you posted are not that good plus running a humidifier with hard water can cause white spots on plants that look alot like pm chew on that for a moment.
I removed very little leaves, cleaned the room and tent, sprayed them with a splash of R.O. H2o & white vinigar. Under UVA light for 2 hours then spayed them with neem oil. They will all get trimmed off when its time.
I also may have had too many triggers set up on the AC infinity 69 pro controller.
My only issue now is water temps in the buckets I'm going to have a total of 4 thinking about adding a reservoir with a chiller. 74° is no bueno.


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