powdery mildew / Is it even safe to smoke the bug


Is it even safe to smoke the bug from the plant that was impacted by powdery mildew. Would it cause a lung infection?
I am abut 30 days away from cut down and so far buds have not been infected.................at least as far as I can see. However I am debating whether to kill the plants or now. Its hard. So much time and effort invested for nothing.
I saw a video on YouTube, a guy dipping cut down branches in the peroxide to kill the mildew. Does anyone know if by doing so, it would be OK to smoke the buds. I don't want to risk lung infection.

Any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
...no man, you don't need to chop and i seriously doubt powdery mildew would pose any risk to human health, ...but with nearly 4 weeks to go you have plenty of time to treat it.

...first, you need to do some research on the lifecycle of pm so you'll know better how to prevent it in the future, pm spores are ubiquitous so if the conditions are right, pm will occur.

...anyway, if your op is not too large then you can successfully treat it with milk, just mix it with water at a 10 to 1 ratio, water to milk, then spray ALL your plants, even any that are in veg or in another room, and try to avoid spraying directly on the buds, just all the leaves, both on top and the undersides.

...you will be amazed to see the pm disappear instantly but don't be fooled, it isn't gone, pm is a systemic disease like an infection so you'll need to re-apply every 3 days or so until you harvest to keep it in check, ...it can take more than a month of repeated sprayings to completely rid yourself of pm to the point it doesn't come back but you'll be harvesting by then.

...btw, if you treat all your vegging plants with Eagle20 it will cure them in one treatment but you can't use it on your flowering plants as it is unsafe for human consumption.

peace, bozo

btw, here is some info on milk where you can see that the milk actually boosts your plants immune system.


Milk is a useful fungicide in the garden, and is more effective than standard chemical brands.

Researchers believe the potassium phosphate in milk boosts a plant's immune system to fight the fungi.

Where most organic gardeners use a baking soda, soap and oil solution, milk may be substituted to combat the unwanted fungus.

Preparing a Milk Solution and Spraying Schedule

The correct dilution and spraying schedule for garden plants depends on the situation and takes some trial and error.

A milk fungicide solution can range from 1 part milk to 9 parts water, to a strong, milk-only solution. A 1:1 dilution may work for a week, but a 1:8 solution requires spraying every 3 or 4 days.

Skim milk may work better than whole milk, as the higher fat milk may clog a sprayer; even reconstituted powdered milk works.

Uses for Milk Fungicide

Milk was originally used in the garden to treat powdery mildew on squash plants. It is now also commonly used on flowers such as rudebekia (Black-eyed Susans) and Begonias to cure powdery mildew.

Milk has also been used to cure Botrytis on a Cyclamen houseplant. This was applied full strength every morning (leftover breakfast milk). Rotten leaves were picked away and the plant pulled through with no more Botrytis.

Black spots and rust on roses can be controlled but not cured with milk. Fortunately, milk can prevent the spread of these fungi to other plants and new leaves. This can be very useful when bringing home a plant from the nursery and finding a black spot.

The copyright of the article Milk as a Garden Fungicide for Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, and Black Spots in Organic Gardening is owned by Deborah Turton. Permission to republish Milk as a Garden Fungicide for Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, and Black Spots in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.


by Arzeena Hamir
Powdery Mildew

Less than 3 years ago, researchers in South America discovered a new alternative to controlling powdery mildew. Wagner Bettiol, a scientist from Brazil, found that weekly sprays of milk controlled powdery mildew in zucchini just as effectively as synthetic fungicides such as fenarimol or benomyl. Not only was milk found to be effective at controlling the disease, it also acted as a foliar fertilizer, boosting the plant's immune system.

Powdery mildew in the cucurbit family is caused by the organism Sphaerotheca Fuliginea. It is a serious disease that occurs worldwide. For decades, organic gardeners had to rely on making a spray from baking soda to control the disease. Now, instead of measuring out the baking soda and combining it with a surfactant (a "sticking" substance) of either oil or soap, gardeners need only head for their refrigerators.

In his experiments with zucchini plants, Bettiol found that a weekly spray of milk at a concentration of at least 10% (1 part milk to 9 parts water) significantly reduced the severity of powdery mildew infection on the plants by 90%. While some gardeners may be tempted to increase the concentration of milk for more control, Bettiol found that once concentrations rose above 30%, an innoccuous fungus began to grow on the plants. How does milk control powdery mildew?

Scientist aren't 100% sure how milk works to control this disease. It seems that milk is a natural germicide. In addition, it contains several naturally occurring salts and amino acids that are taken up by the plant. From previous experiments using sodium bicarbonate, potassium phosphate, and other salts, researchers have found that the disease is sensitive to these salts. It is possible then, that milk boosts the plant's immune system to prevent the disease.

Milk used around the world
The benefits of using milk to control powdery mildew haven't been isolated to Brazil. Melon growers in New Zealand are saving thousands of dollars every year by spraying their crops with milk instead of synthetic fungicides. The melon growers in New Zealand have been so successful that the wine industry is taking notice and beginning experiments using milk to control powdery mildew in grapes.

What kind of milk should be used?
In Bettiol's original experiment, fresh milk was used, straight from the cow. However, this is obviously not feasible to most home gardeners. The research work in New Zealand actually found that using skim milk was just as effective. Not only was it cheaper, but the fact that the milk had no fat content meant that there was less chance of any odours.

Wagner Bettiol's original article was published in the journal Crop Science (Vol. 18, 1999, pp. 489-92).


Active Member
on the short side. Neem oil. You can spray ur plant at night with neem oil or milk. I prefer neem oil, bonzo prefers milk. They both work. Spray when lights go out. Dont be afraid to get in there were the bud is. Spray that bitch the whole bitch. Turn fans off while spraying. When done spraying turn fans back on. Wet bud is moldy bud. Then increase ur air flow and try to get the RH down. NEVER TURN UR FANS OFF, NEVER. Sorry I yelled, I respond well to it. Ex-framer!

If u see mold on ur leaves its in ur bud. Give it the H2O2 bath or smoke the mold. Trust me bro, when the flame hits the bud u release 2000 chemicals, u really think smoking mold or H2O2 is gonna matter? hahahaha. I have smoked moldy bud I grew several times. My shit has mold and I am constantly spraying. I live in a humid state and I am broke, cause I need to just nut up and buy a dehumidifier, but a good one cost $250 and that makes my butt pucker. Remember though, H2O2 removes the mold, milk and neem oil kill it!


Well-Known Member
on the short side. Neem oil. You can spray ur plant at night with neem oil or milk. I prefer neem oil, bonzo prefers milk. They both work. Spray when lights go out. Dont be afraid to get in there were the bud is. Spray that bitch the whole bitch. Turn fans off while spraying. When done spraying turn fans back on. Wet bud is moldy bud. Then increase ur air flow and try to get the RH down. NEVER TURN UR FANS OFF, NEVER. Sorry I yelled, I respond well to it. Ex-framer!

If u see mold on ur leaves its in ur bud. Give it the H2O2 bath or smoke the mold. Trust me bro, when the flame hits the bud u release 2000 chemicals, u really think smoking mold or H2O2 is gonna matter? hahahaha. I have smoked moldy bud I grew several times. My shit has mold and I am constantly spraying. I live in a humid state and I am broke, cause I need to just nut up and buy a dehumidifier, but a good one cost $250 and that makes my butt pucker. Remember though, H2O2 removes the mold, milk and neem oil kill it!
it's bozo homey and it was me who told you to use milk just last week when you were struggling with pm yourself, remember?

How I handle PM

...i suggested milk to YOU because you were in flower and needed something safe to use AND because i didn't think you'd like the taste of neem.

...to each his own i guess.



Active Member
it's bozo homey and it was me who told you to use milk just last week when you were struggling with pm yourself, remember?

How I handle PM

...i suggested milk to YOU because you were in flower and needed something safe to use AND because i didn't think you'd like the taste of neem.

...to each his own i guess.

Actually BOZO, it was a thread on "HOW I HANDLE PM" I didnt ask for your help, I wanted to share my cheap and easy way. Safely tested by me. Then u come in with some copy and pasteing that takes a yewar to read, so in the short form both milk and neem oil work. I prefer Neem oil. haha! Justsayin bro!


Well-Known Member
Actually BOZO, it was a thread on "HOW I HANDLE PM" I didnt ask for your help, I wanted to share my cheap and easy way. Safely tested by me. Then u come in with some copy and pasteing that takes a yewar to read, so in the short form both milk and neem oil work. I prefer Neem oil. haha! Justsayin bro!
I have a small grow and use 2 seperate rooms, one for Vegg one for Flower. Over in the flower room, I get a little PM. Small amounts. Matter of fact, I may go 2 or 3 days till I see another spot. I am getting really good at spotting the PM spots. They never get bigger than half a cm or 1/8 of an inch. As soon as I see them I spray the effected area and below the leaf. As I have 3 plants in the flower room that are at different stages of flower:5 weeks, 3weeks and 1 week. Plus I will continue to add more plants to it as they come up, so I have to keep it under control.

Now my way seems to be working, but I cant completely get rid of it. I know about sulfur but that shit stinks right? I have shot a gun. Plus most sulfur burners are for a 1000sqft, my floor plan is 4'x6' or 24sqft. I live in Wa. state so it is always humid here. I also have Exhale a CO2 emitting bag of mecillium, this can cause mold too. Now, I use neem oil mixed with dishsoap, I have been using this methos now for a month. Seems to work. I found one leaf half covered in mold about 3 weeks ago, cut that off and treated all the other areas. Since then, it has been those small little patches. I search through the foliage several time a day looking for spots. I have wet dry containers in the flower room too. My humidity is 45% and my temps are 72'F. I have to run a heater during lights out or it would get into the 40'sF. Although, the plants preffer warm weather, it does not hurt them to get cold. Marijuana is one of the most resilient plants I have seen.

I would love to hear other feasable ideas on controlling PM. Oh, after I spray the pm with neem oil, it leaves a rust colored mark where the mold was. I love my girls!
...you were saying?

oh yeah, you didn't ask for MY help, specifically, but that sure looks like a request for help to me, ...and the cut and paste you speak of was to give you the information to understand WHY it worked, AND why it would indeed get rid of it, something the neem WON'T do ...pardon me for trying to be thorough in my offer of assisstance.


note that i have again cut and pasted that same information here, and again it is an attempt to help another grower.


Thanks for the help, I did use the Milk/Water mix spray and it seemed to be a little better.

I posted the same question on a different thread (same board) and received completely different suggestions. I was pretty much warned NOT to even try to smoke the bud, as it will cause lung infection/disease. So I am still a little worried. Killing 3 plants and wasting 10-11 weeks of light/electricity is not nearly as bad as having a lung infection/disease. So I am still a little torn, but leaning towards killing the plants.

Thank you guys.


Well-Known Member
...i'm not gonna call bullshit, i guess it could happen, but it sure didn't happen to me and i was in the same boat as you and i sprayed every 3 to 4 days for the last few weeks before harvest and i smoked most of that harvest myself, i'm not in this hobby for money and i was doing a micro-SOG at the time, for a varied and quality headstash.

...and i smoked it freely with those closest to me and none of us suffered any ill effects.

before i'd chop i'd get some more opinions

here, here's one you might like to read.

Washing away powdery mildew before curing

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
come on guys mold is good for you thats how we make blue cheese and penicillin just smoke it when your stoned you wont tase the mold lol , sory man hope you get the mold problem handled