Well-Known Member
So I have been formulating a plan that may be in progress very soon and I just wanted to run it by the internet to see what kind of response it gets. It was inspired by Al B. Fucts thread:
So the idea I have been working with is that you would arrange the tables in such a way that the bigger plants are on the outside and the small ones are on the inside. So I conceptualized something similar to this. See attachment 1.
I have 20 places on the table in the center, that is just so if you have some sub-par clones, or some that may die or get injured, you have 4 clones room. Each of the rings, made out of regular 5" aluminum eaves trough, and has 16 places, the idea being that every week you move the set to the next outer tray with its own reservoir, and doing this allows the light to be more evenly distributed, tall plants on the outside with bottom third of plant matter removed. Also the tables would need to be slanted as I want to use NFT rather than ebb and flow.
Lighting is an area I was having problems with, for the mothers and clones that are rooting I want to use flouro tubes. And for the tables I was thinking either 2 600W MHorHPS on light mover(s) or 1 1000W MHorHPS.
Then for the flowering room I would need, for week 1+2 a 600W HPS, week 3+4 1000W HPS, week 5+6 2 600W HPS on light movers, week 7+8 4 400W HPS. Each week 2 week period has its own resivoir, using bigger, multi-litre buckets attched together in a web with garden hose rather than a tray, ebb and flow rather than NFT. The plants need to be moved to their next resivoir every 2 weeks, but you can take the whole buckets rather than having to do each plant, just remove the water, the attachment tubes and replace when in new area.
A couple of things I was thinking about here, for the vegataive period I was thinking NFT because trying to take the mass of roots out of the holes in the baskets is usually not easy to complete without completely shoking the plant. So I was thinking a continuous strip of foam along the entire length of the top of the eavstrough and have slits that the plant stems can slide through and the foam can be supported by the lip in the eavestrough and the edge can push into the foam. This way at the end of the 2 week period you can remove the foam, clean the tray and replace with new plants.
So after all equipment, space, and utilities, ect.. What kind of cost am I looking at, I don't need a complete break down of cost estimates, unless you want to, but a ball park. I was thinking probably about 7 grand. And generating about 10 pounds every 2 weeks or about 5 pounds a week. But also running about 10-15kW/h which can start to add up.
So what do you think?
What do you think it will cost, start-up?KWh?
Do you think its pluasible, efficient?
Do you think the cops will start to realize with that running so high energy?, I live in Saskatchewan.
How much space do you tink I need for vegatative?
Flowering weeks 1+2?3+4?5+6?7+8?
Thanks in advance, Peace.
So the idea I have been working with is that you would arrange the tables in such a way that the bigger plants are on the outside and the small ones are on the inside. So I conceptualized something similar to this. See attachment 1.
I have 20 places on the table in the center, that is just so if you have some sub-par clones, or some that may die or get injured, you have 4 clones room. Each of the rings, made out of regular 5" aluminum eaves trough, and has 16 places, the idea being that every week you move the set to the next outer tray with its own reservoir, and doing this allows the light to be more evenly distributed, tall plants on the outside with bottom third of plant matter removed. Also the tables would need to be slanted as I want to use NFT rather than ebb and flow.
Lighting is an area I was having problems with, for the mothers and clones that are rooting I want to use flouro tubes. And for the tables I was thinking either 2 600W MHorHPS on light mover(s) or 1 1000W MHorHPS.
Then for the flowering room I would need, for week 1+2 a 600W HPS, week 3+4 1000W HPS, week 5+6 2 600W HPS on light movers, week 7+8 4 400W HPS. Each week 2 week period has its own resivoir, using bigger, multi-litre buckets attched together in a web with garden hose rather than a tray, ebb and flow rather than NFT. The plants need to be moved to their next resivoir every 2 weeks, but you can take the whole buckets rather than having to do each plant, just remove the water, the attachment tubes and replace when in new area.
A couple of things I was thinking about here, for the vegataive period I was thinking NFT because trying to take the mass of roots out of the holes in the baskets is usually not easy to complete without completely shoking the plant. So I was thinking a continuous strip of foam along the entire length of the top of the eavstrough and have slits that the plant stems can slide through and the foam can be supported by the lip in the eavestrough and the edge can push into the foam. This way at the end of the 2 week period you can remove the foam, clean the tray and replace with new plants.
So after all equipment, space, and utilities, ect.. What kind of cost am I looking at, I don't need a complete break down of cost estimates, unless you want to, but a ball park. I was thinking probably about 7 grand. And generating about 10 pounds every 2 weeks or about 5 pounds a week. But also running about 10-15kW/h which can start to add up.
So what do you think?
What do you think it will cost, start-up?KWh?
Do you think its pluasible, efficient?
Do you think the cops will start to realize with that running so high energy?, I live in Saskatchewan.
How much space do you tink I need for vegatative?
Flowering weeks 1+2?3+4?5+6?7+8?
Thanks in advance, Peace.
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