Pots Vs. The Ground: Two part question


1) When growing outside should one grow plants in a 10-15 gal pot/container or just create a "flower bed" of a soil and dirt mixture so that the plants can grow as tall as they please?

2) Would it be better to start an indoor grow and then transplant them outside at the beginning of spring as way to increase yeild?


Well-Known Member
If no one is gonna see you from above the ground, then dig a deep flowerbed. A large one. Give your plants plenty of room from each other. The yield difference between a potted plant and a plant in the ground can be very different. The more room the roots have to grow, the more they will. I hope you are going to do this next year, Mid-June is kind of late for outdoors around where I'm from. If you have easy fall/winter seasons with hardly any frosts, then go for it. But, don't waste your time growing all this time just for your plants to be wiped out by frost.


Active Member
For sure.... but with 15 acres you are able to spread beds out in different spots if you need to. I would just dig yourself some big holes and go from there... anywhere from 2x2x2 to 3x3x3 if you really wanna get carried away.... and kief's question to your seasons is a good to keep in mind... here in my area the perfect time of year is mid June as the moon waxes cause I have no worry of a fall frost! Keep the next few months seasons in mind!