Potassium Deficiency ?? Photos


Active Member
Hi there,

I have a problem with plants that are about 4 weeks into flowering, it looks like a potassium deficiency to me(by the photos below). I already flushed them about 4 days ago and now am considering what to do next.

I was wondering is it good to do a foliar spray with potassium (Im using the brand 'advanced nutrients', and was thinking of just spraying with a low ppm of the bloom mix). The flush seems to have slowed down the problem, but there is still damage and the upper leafs are very green and are curling downwards like claws.

Any advise is appreciated, thanks.



Well-Known Member
cat claws = to much nutes.What system you using dwc,trays?Whats the pppm and ph?If you folair make sure you back off the lights.


Well-Known Member
I wanted more info and if its in dirt it might take more than 3 to 4 days to settle down i woudnt add anything for atleast a week.Just water,and when someone says deficiency I would assume hes gonna add more nutes???Also I think he can speak and dont need you speaking for him.I woudnt foliar feed em id just give them a little time.


Well-Known Member
Can you flip the leave over and take a picture of the other side. I see some tiny white spots on the leaves you took photos of. That and the wilting and browning can be a sign of spider mites. The spots I circled on your picture can be damage for spider mites, even indoor plants can get infested. I had it happen to me because the clones I recieved were left outdoors over night by the source and thats all it took. It can also happen if you were in contact with another plant with them and carried them indoors to your babies. If you can take a picture of the underside of the leaf and post it or check closely for very very small white, tan, or orangish specs. Sometimes you will see a very fine webbing too. If that's the problem there are somethings you can do to stop them and save your plants. They are nasty fuckers!!:fire:





Active Member
Thanks for all your responses, & sorry for not giving a bit more info about the plants. They are in 3 gallon pots with Coco Coir as the medium. Normally I water/feed them every 3 days and I had been slowly increasing the PPM of my mix (advanced nutrients grow/micro/bloom), and I always keep my ph close to 6.5.

So I had left them for 4 days after the flush & I fed them a really diluted mix with just bloom last night (just phosphorous & potassium). I might just flush them from now until harverst (3.5 weeks) or do you guys reckon I should try to address the deficency also? What type of mix would you guys consider for a foliar spray, if any?

@ ROXISTAR, I double checked and see no sign of mites. I think what happened was when I opened a container of sulpher in the room last week the fans turned on me just as I did so some of the plants close to me got a light sprinkle. Good eye though and I really appreciate you circling the concerned areas, thankfully I have avoided bugs so far.

Thanks again guys, your help helps me keep stress levels so much lower when deaing with my girls! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your responses, & sorry for not giving a bit more info about the plants. They are in 3 gallon pots with Coco Coir as the medium. Normally I water/feed them every 3 days and I had been slowly increasing the PPM of my mix (advanced nutrients grow/micro/bloom), and I always keep my ph close to 6.5.

So I had left them for 4 days after the flush & I fed them a really diluted mix with just bloom last night (just phosphorous & potassium). I might just flush them from now until harverst (3.5 weeks) or do you guys reckon I should try to address the deficency also? What type of mix would you guys consider for a foliar spray, if any?

@ ROXISTAR, I double checked and see no sign of mites. I think what happened was when I opened a container of sulpher in the room last week the fans turned on me just as I did so some of the plants close to me got a light sprinkle. Good eye though and I really appreciate you circling the concerned areas, thankfully I have avoided bugs so far.

Thanks again guys, your help helps me keep stress levels so much lower when deaing with my girls! :weed:

No problem!! Those damn spider mites will drive you nuts!! It's a possiblity that the fan blow the sulpher around and it was enough to have burned/damaged the leaves slightly enough to for it to have the appearance of spider mites.

A very weak foliar spray might be something that I would consider in an effort to avoid overfeeding at this point in the grow.

Good luck!