pot sizes


Active Member
hello all i need some advise on a current grow, i have 14 chronics grown from a clone all about 25cm and are in 135mm sqaure pots, the plants are extreamly healthy with rapid growth and nice white roots none of which have any rootbound.
I would like to switch to 12/12 asap but not sure if i should repot or not, if i do can i switch the hours back asap or will i have to wait for them to refill the new pots? the mother was grown in a bubbler and was also very healthy but didnt have the root mass im use to,,do some strains require less root mass than others? from previous experiance i know the roots continue to grow for sometime after the lights have been cut back will this be enough to refill the larger pots? please any tips would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
you should use a gallon for each foot of growth
1ft 1 gallon
2ft 2 gallon etc

you can expect your plants to double or triple in size during flowering currently you should be transplanting into a 3 gallon before going 12 12 and continue to veg them for a week to get over the shock..

1 gallon is 4.55 litres