Pot size


Well-Known Member
i know it would be better if i started out in a smaller pot and worked my way up but what are the disavantages of starting in a large pot.


Active Member
As far as I know there are non, but when your plant becomes pot bound the leaves will start to turn brown and die.
you should try to flower it when the plant is about twice the hight of the pot.
I just transplanted mine today and it was twice the hight of the pot and starting to get pot bound.

good luck:peace:


Active Member
The way I was taught the equation was: 1 gallon of pot for every foot of plant that you want. Seems to work out about right for me. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Where are you guys comming up with these equasitions for pot size,im not even remotely trying to insult anybody at all but do you realize that there is absolutely no real information anywhere on the internet about pot size for MJ,im not talking about wives tale info pased down from grower to grower either,im talking about peer reviewed white papers written by people who study botany as a science.

I used to believe in all that pot size crap until i read a thread by Fdd2blk titled "its all bullshit",i read what the man had to say & looked at his pics & came to the conclusion that IT IS all bullshit.

If you have the floor space & enough light then fine use as big of pot as you like but if space & lighting are prime then read that thread.

Ive since scaled back from my usual 3 gallon pots to the 1 gallon pots im now using,the only difference has been that i need to water more often,thats it.


Active Member
no offence taken man.

All I'm doing is talking from 1st hand experience.
I have been growing out door for quite some time now so I have to use pots till they are big and strong enough to go in the ground (you know for pests and weather reasons) And I found if I don't re-pot them they actually start to die. These plants have adventitious rout systems, Maybe that's only certain strains or something but the ones I grow hate being pot bound. Here in South Africa we don't use the same measuring system you guys use so I have no idea what a Gallon is. But from what I've seen when the plant is just over twice the hight of the pot it's time to re-pot and that always works for me. Maybe with growing in door the plant doesn't need it, I don't know I've never been lucky enough to have my own grow room...yet.:peace:


Well-Known Member
the pot only needs to be big enough to hold it from falling over when the cola ripens. i had to stake my outdoor pots down because the plants were to heavy for them. :blsmoke:

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