Pot Shape & Size Question

Pot Shape: Is it better to have shorter wider pots or taller narrow pots? I have 11 liter taller pots ready to go and was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this.

Pot Size: Any consensus on pot size or is pot size more situational.



Well-Known Member
pot shape is preference I like square pots just because they fit in my area better. just make sure whatever you use will be enough to support all the roots.


Active Member
I believe I read that you can expect about 12 to 16 inches of vertical veg growth per gallon of pot volume. With that in mind you can buy pots according to the size you want to grow. Square pots are ideal for maximizing space but they tend to be harder to find in larger sizes. That's why I stick with 5 gallon buckets with holes drilled in the bottom. They work great